Pontifical rites for Johannes Feierabend, Abbot of the Cloister at Muri from 1500 through 1508. On July 12, 1507 Pope Julius II conferred the pontifical upon Abbot Johannes Feierabend and his successors.
Online Since: 11/03/2009
This large-format antiphonary, with rich fleuronné decoration from the second quarter of the 14th century, contains the chants of the Office from Pentecost to the beginning of Advent. It was written for the St. Leonhard Monastery of Augustinian canons in Basel and only came to Muri Abbey in modern times.
Online Since: 06/18/2020
This 12th century manuscript with commentaries on the four Gospels is probably from Alsace. This is suggested by the history of the founding of the Benedictine monastery of St. Faith in Sélestat, added on the last pages. In 1530, the manuscript was owned by Johannes Schornegg, parish priest in Muri.
Online Since: 10/04/2018
This composite manuscript consists of an incunable from Freiburg i. Br. from 1494 and two parts in manuscript, which were copied in 1498 and 1499 by Brother Johannes Bengel, Conventual at Alpirsbach Abbey in the Black Forest. The three texts on scholastic logic are by Peter of Spain and by Petrus Tartaretus, a contemporaneous Parisian philosopher whose mnemonic device, a logical figure called pons asinorum has also been copied.
Online Since: 12/14/2018
First volume (Temporale) of the two-volume gradual with liturgical songs that Abbot Laurentius of Heidegg from Muri Abbey purchased from the convent of canonesses at Säckingen in 1532, after the furnishings of Muri Abbey, along with the liturgical books, were destroyed in the Second War of Kappel. The abbot had the large pen-flourish initial at the beginning painted over with the miter, the abbatial crozier, his own coat of arms and that of the abbey.
Online Since: 10/04/2018
Second volume (sanctorale) of the two-volume gradual, which Abbot Laurentius of Heidegg from Muri Abbey purchased from the convent of canonesses at Säckingen in 1532, after the furnishings of Muri Abbey, along with the liturgical books, were destroyed in the Second War of Kappel. The abbot had the large pen-flourish initial at the beginning painted over with the miter, the abbatial crozier, his own coat of arms and that of the abbey.
Online Since: 10/04/2018
First volume (winter part) of the two-volume antiphonary with the chants of the Liturgy of the Hours; it was used alternately with MsMurFm9. This large-format manuscript from the 15th century is largely unadorned. On the basis of the responsories of the Advent season, it can be assigned to the Cistercian Order.
Online Since: 06/18/2020
Second volume (summer part) of the two-volume antiphonary that was used alternately with MsMurFm6. This large-format manuscript from the 15th century is largely unadorned. On the basis of the feasts of saints (Bernard of Clairvaux, Edmund of Abingdon, Robert of Molesme), it can be assigned to the Cistercian Order.
Online Since: 06/18/2020
The manuscript called “Evangelia ad Missas” contains the Gospel readings for mass during the course of the year according to the Cistercian liturgy. It was written in the second half of the 12th century and is thus older than the Cistercian Wettingen Abbey, which was founded in 1227. It is not known in which monastery this manuscript was written and decorated with multi-colored initials with scroll ornamentation.
Online Since: 12/10/2020
The first volume of the three-part so-called "Wettinger Graduale", made in Cologne for a cloister of Augustinian hermits, transferred from Zurich to the Cistercian cloister of Wettingen after the Reformation. The illuminated initials in this first volume are the work of the "Old Master of the Gradual" (Willehalm-Meister).
Online Since: 11/04/2010
The second volume of the three-part so-called "Wettinger Graduale", made in Cologne for a cloister of Augustinian hermits, transferred from Zurich to the Cistercian cloister of Wettingen after the Reformation. The illuminated initials in this second volume are the work of the "Younger Master of the Gradual" (Willehalm-Meister).
Online Since: 12/17/2015
The third volume of the three-part so-called "Wettinger Graduale", made in Cologne for a cloister of Augustinian hermits, transferred from Zurich to the Cistercian cloister of Wettingen after the Reformation. The illuminated initials in this third volume, like those in the second (MsWettFm 2) are the work of the "Younger Master of the Gradual".
Online Since: 11/04/2010
Copies and regesta of privileges and documents from the 14th to the 16th century, concerning the Meierhof (an estate run by a steward) in Erlinsbach. Begun around 1525, at the time of the dissolution of the monasteries. Parchment binding with square notation.
Online Since: 10/04/2018
The volume contains the annual list of the members of the Great and Petty Council of Appenzell, classified according to rhoden. The names were entered into narrow gatherings that were only later bound into a book. The binding consists of a re-used fragment with musical notation.
Online Since: 05/31/2024
This missal is the oldest surviving document in the Canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden; it is owned by the parish St. Mauritius in Appenzell. It was probably created for a church in the Diocese of Constance, its exact origins, however, are unknown. The missal is also important to the history of the region of Appenzell because it contains the only surviving copy of the deed of foundation of the parish of Appenzell from the year 1071. The volume contains separate parts (calendar, gradual, sequentiary, sacramentary, lectionary). The calendar is particularly rich in saints' days, although none is rubricated as a patron saint's day.
Online Since: 12/17/2015
This manuscript, parts of which are dated, is from St. Leonhard Monastery of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine; it contains mostly patristic and liturgical texts. For a while, this volume, along with the corrections later added to the manuscript, served as a model in the printshop of Michael Furter of Basel, who in 1496 edited the Expositio super cantica canticorum, which has been preserved among the works of Gregory the Great, but today is attributed to Robertus Tumbalena. A specimen copy may have been returned to the monastery along with the manuscript, as there remains one printed copy with a note of ownership indicating such.
Online Since: 06/14/2018
This volume from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel contains handwritten and printed texts concerning questions on the history of the order, on the spiritual life, as well as on theological interpretations, as for example the commentary on Ecclesiastes by Denis the Carthusian (1402-1471). The handwritten parts are by various hands, among them the Carthusian Johannes Gipsmüller of Basel (1439-1484).
Online Since: 06/14/2018
This small, thick paper and parchment manuscript from the library of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel must have been intensely used, as suggested by soiling and signs of heavy usage. The original red leather binding is covered with another layer of leather that sticks out beyond the covers at the bottom and can be folded over the lower edge as protection. The manuscript contains prayers, hymns and other devotional texts by numerous different authors — primarily saints and popes — such as Mechthild of Magdeburg or Bernard of Clairvaux. Also represented are Carthusian authors such as Heinrich Arnoldi. Several colored woodcut and metalcut prints have been glued onto leaf 4v and 316v.
Online Since: 12/14/2018
This manuscript (third quarter of the 15th century), a collection of theological texts, consists of two parts; it originated in the Carthusian Monastery in Basel, where it was probably also created. This is certain for the second part of the manuscript, which, in addition to the Vita et revelationes by Agnes Blannbekin (Chapters 1-23), also contains extensive excerpts from Lux divinitatis, the Latin translation of Das fließende Licht der Gottheit by Mechthild of Magdeburg, which became the basis for further copies made in the monastery. The model for most of the texts contained in the second part of Cod. A VIII 6 was the manuscript Basel, university library, Cod. B IX 11.
Online Since: 12/13/2013
The Psalterium feriatum was written in 1472 by the Carthusian monk Johannes Gipsmüller of Basel. Although there is no note of ownership, it certainly was meant to be used in his monastery. Throughout the Psalter there are hymns, antiphons, etc., many with musical notations. For quickly finding texts in the Liturgy of the Hours, red and white tabs protrude from the front edge.
Online Since: 03/19/2015