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Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, A II 11
Paper · 190 ff. · 30 x 21.5 cm · [Freiburg im Breisgau] · 1392-1393
Nycolaus de Lyra, Postilla super Evangelia Iohannis, Lucae et Marci, postilla super Tobiam et Baruch
Postil on the Gospels of John, Luke and Mark as well as on Tobias and Baruch, written in 1392-1393 by the Freiburg priest Rüdiger Schopf, decorated with 3 whole-page, partly colored pen and ink drawings. This manuscript is part of a multi-volume, richly illustrated copy of the Bible commentary Postilla super totam Bibliam by Nicholas of Lyra, which the secular priest Rüdiger Schopf from Memmingen created for the Carthusian Monastery of Freiburg between 1392 and 1415. In 1430 the work, to which A II 1-6, 10 and 12-13 belong as well, was sold to the Carthusian Monastery of Basel.
Online Since: 03/19/2015