ʿAnaṿ, Yehudah ben Binyamin, ha-Rofe (ca. S. XIII)
This small-format handbook about ritual slaughter is from 14th century Italy. It contains the laws of shekhitah (ritual slaughter) and of treifot (possible defects of kosher animals) by Judah ben Benjamin ha-Rofe Anaw from Rome (13th century). These laws are followed by excerpts of laws on shekhitah from the Torat ha-Bayit ha-Arokh, a legal work on the laws governing Jewish households by Salomon ben Abraham ben Adret from Barcelona (1235-1310).
Online Since: 10/10/2019
- ʿAnaṿ, Yehudah ben Binyamin, ha-Rofe (Author) Found in: Standard description
- ʿAnaṿ, Yehudah ben Binyamin, ha-Rofe (Author) Found in: Standard description
- ʿAnaṿ, Yehudah ben Binyamin, ha-Rofe (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Adret, Shelomoh ben Avraham (Author) | ʿAnaṿ, Yehudah ben Binyamin, ha-Rofe (Author) Found in: Standard description
This Italian manuscript is a manual containing the laws of ritual slaughter (Shekhitah) and forbidden foods (Treifah), taken from the Babylonian Talmud tractate Ḥulin. These laws have been commented on by two medieval rabbinical authorities, included in the manuscript. The first is Judah ben Benjamin ha-Rofe Anav of Rome (Rivevan, d. after 1280), whose commentary to the laws makes reference to customs practiced by the Jewish community of Rome, such as an important ruling taken by the elders of Rome in 1280 at the Bozzechi Synagogue, which has been edited in the description. The second author, whose work is partially copied in the manual, is the leading Talmud authority for the Jewish communities in 11th century North Africa and Spain, Isaac ben Jacob Alfasi (Rif, 1013-1103). The first three chapters of a commentary on the Babylonian Talmud tractate Ḥulin, taken from his magnum opus entitled the Sefer ha-Halakhot, have been copied into this manual. This latter work played a fundamental role in the development of halakha and is the most important legal code prior to the Mishneh Torah by Maimonides (Rambam, 1135-1204).
Online Since: 10/10/2019
- ʿAnaṿ, Yehudah ben Binyamin, ha-Rofe (Author) Found in: Standard description
- ʿAnaṿ, Yehudah ben Binyamin, ha-Rofe (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Alfasî, Yiṣḥāq Ben-Yaʿaqov (Author) | Heidenheim, Moritz (Former possessor) | ʿAnaṿ, Yehudah ben Binyamin, ha-Rofe (Author) Found in: Standard description