This manuscript contains a systematic collection of 45 sermons, each of which consists of six to seventeen pages. In the beginning, there are 20 sermons in Lower Engadine (pp. 1-281), followed by a sermon in German (pp. 282-297). The remaining 24 sermons are in Upper Engadine (pp. 298-570). The book concludes with a “Register Dels Texts trattos in quaist Cudesch” (Register of [Biblical] texts treated in this book) (not pag., pp. 571-574). The latter takes up the passages from the Bible cited as topic at the beginning of each sermon. The number 33 was skipped, therefore the total number is 46. Two bookmarks (p. 399-s1.2 and p. 475s1.2) identify “Herr Präses Ulrich Vital Sins” (= Johann Ulrich Gosch Vital, Sent; 1781-1868) as the owner of this manuscript. A comparison with an autographic letter, as well as with the orthography of his published works, shows that he was the scribe and author of the texts as well.
Online Since: 03/29/2019
- Gosch Vital, Johann Ulrich (Author) | Gosch Vital, Johann Ulrich (Scribe) | Gosch Vital, Johann Ulrich (Former possessor)