Greith, Carl Johann (1807-1882)
The paper manuscript contains the chronicles of the librarian of St. Gall, Jodocus Metzler (1574-1639); the longest of them is dedicated to the history of the abbey of St. Gall (pp. 11-750), followed by the chronicles of Engelberg (pp. 813-825) and of St. John in the Thur valley (pp. 829-840), and finally by a catalogue of the abbots of St. Magnus of Füssen (pp. 845-848). This copy was made by the St. Gall monk Marianus Buzlin in 1613, while the marginal notes are in Metzler's hand. The manuscript opens with a full-page illumination on parchment (p. 13); in its side margins appear St. Gall (left) and St. Otmar (right), the bottom of the page features the coat of arms of the abbot Bernhard Müller (1594-1630), while the blue-painted background, which probably would have had the title, is left empty with the exception of gold ornaments in the corners.
Online Since: 09/22/2022
- Greith, Carl Johann (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Greith, Carl Johann (Former possessor) | Metzler, Jodokus (Author) | Metzler, Jodokus (Annotator) Found in: Standard description
This small-format volume contains two written works by the hand of Mathias Jansen, as attested by a 1774 colophon on p. 201. On pp. 7-39, Jansen gives a kind of inventory of the paintings of St. Gallen Cathedral, describing each vault and field. Page 20 contains a report on the improvement of a painting representing St. Otmar and other saints.The second work, on pp. 40-201, collects historical reports about the life, the afterlife and the cult of St. Otmar, which take the form of log entries recording decisions as well as preparations for and the process of actions related to the cult of the saint, such as the elevation of the remains of St. Otmar in 1773/1774. On p. 99, there is a drawing of a decorated altar. Pages 202-207 contain later additions from 1823 or shortly thereafter. On p. 39 and p. 202 there are sporadic entries (after 1823) about the bas-reliefs by the sculptor Johann Christian Wentzinger, on p. 39 also about the new paintings by the artist Antonio Moretto in the choir. Pages 1-6 and 208-236 are blank. According to a note on the inside of the front cover, this book, originally from the Notkersegg Convent of Capuchin nuns, became the property of St. Gall Bishop Greith probably around 1852. Since 1930 it has been held in the Abbey Library as a deposit of the episcopal library.
Online Since: 06/13/2019
- Greith, Carl Johann (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Greith, Carl Johann (Former possessor) | Jansen, Johann Mathias (Author) | Jansen, Johann Mathias (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript contains the 14 so-called Hermetschwiler Predigten on pp. 1-140; it is a 13th century cycle of sermons in High Alemannic, for which this manuscript is the only textual witness. The text is defective in the beginning and at the end. This is followed on pp. 141-214 by the German-language treatise on Corpus Christi by the “Mönch von Heilsbronn”, a monk from the Cistercian Heilsbronn Abbey located between Nuremberg and Ansbach, who probably lived in the 14th century. Pp. 214-252 contain more spiritual speeches. At least from the 19th century on, the volume was at the Benedictine Convent Hermetschwil (Aargau). Since 1930 it has been a deposit of the episcopal library of St. Gall at the Abbey Library.
Online Since: 12/14/2018
- Greith, Carl Johann (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Albertus, Magnus (Author) | Greith, Carl Johann (Former possessor) | Mönch, von Heilsbronn (Author) Found in: Standard description
An important copy, in terms of textual history, of the Reformatio Prediger Ordens by the Dominican Johannes Meyer (1422-1482) of Basel. This copy originated in the Dominican cloister of St. Katharina in St. Gall, written in 1483 by Sister Elisabeth Muntprat (1459-1531). This work, which was copied from a model belonging to the cloister of St. Katherine in Nurnberg, is a valuable source for the history of the Dominican order in the German speaking world.
Online Since: 12/19/2011
- Greith, Carl Johann (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Greith, Carl Johann (Former possessor) | Meyer, Johannes (Author) | Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Standard description