Daniel, Pierre (1530-1603)
This manuscript was created in Fleury; the first page is magnificently decorated with two large interlace initials, which represent a special type of insular decorative art. In addition to smaller pieces, this composite manuscript contains the epic poem De bello civili (Parsalia) by Lucan (middle of the 1st century) as well as a version of the Orestes myth by the African poet Dracontius (5th century). For the latter, this codex constitutes by far the oldest textual witness. The beginning of Lucan's text by is provided with an abundance of scholia; because of Cod. 370, which contains only scholia, they are known as the Commenta Bernensia.
Online Since: 03/29/2019
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Annotator) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Dracontius, Blossius Aemilius (Author) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Hyginus, Mythographus (Author) | Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus (Author) | Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius (Author) | Wild, Marquard (Librarian) Found in: Standard description
This composite manuscript contains various texts in chronicle form, some of them rare, regarding worldly and ecclesiastical rulers. It is a heavily edited and corrected manuscript from the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Mesmin de Micy, which contains characteristic writings in various black and brown inks and which is richly decorated with many calligraphic initials in different styles. Based on various supplements, the time of its writing can be dated quite exactly to the middle of the 11th century.
Online Since: 03/22/2018
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Abbo, Floriacensis (Author) | Ado, Viennensis (Author) | Aurelius Victor, Sextus (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Bürger, Ulrike (Restorer) | Busaeus, Johannes (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Guilelmus, Peraldus (Author) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Lindt, Johann (Restorer) | Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, which originated in the Benedictine Abbey St. Trinité de Fécamp, contains various works by Augustine: De opere monachorum; De fide et operibus; Contra Donatistas; De bono virginitatis; De bono conjugali; De bono viduitatis; De symbolo bono (sermo 215); De oratione dominica (sermo 56). The manuscript is significant as important testimony of French manuscript illumination of the 11th century as well as, due to its history, of the exchange of manuscripts among Norman monasteries.
Online Since: 04/09/2014
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Hortin, Samuel (Librarian) Found in: Standard description
This magnificent complete edition of the works of Virgil (Bucolics, Georgics, Aeneid) was given to the Benedictine Monastery of St. Martin in Tours by the Levite Berno (note and book curse on f. 1v). Virgil's text is interspersed with numerous commentaries (scholia) from late antiquity by Servius and Donatus, which have been transmitted in this form almost exclusively in manuscripts from the Bongarsiana collection. However, Cod. 165 does not present the true Scholia Bernensia as in Cod. 167 und Cod. 172, but rather a collection by various scholiasts which was compiled in Tours — hence the name Scholia Turonensia.
Online Since: 12/17/2015
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Basilius, Caesariensis (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Annotator) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) | Servius (Author) | Vergilius Maro, Publius (Author) Found in: Standard description
This complete edition of the works of Virgil (Bucolics, Georgics, Aeneid) is connected to Auxerre. In the beginning the manuscript contains numerous paratexts to Virgil, such as the vitae, Argumenta, etc.; beginning on f. 6v, the inner column is reserved for the text, the outer one for the scholia. Virgil's text is interspersed with numerous commentaries (scholia) from late antiquity by Servius and Donatus, which in this form have been transmitted almost exclusively in manuscripts from the Bongarsiana collection. Cod. 167 presents the true Scholia Bernensia, but only the left column, not the right column of Cod. 172; whether it was copied from the latter remains in dispute.
Online Since: 12/17/2015
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Basilius, Caesariensis (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) | Servius (Author) | Vergilius Maro, Publius (Author) Found in: Standard description
This complete edition of the works of Virgil is from Fleury. This manuscript contains only the Bucolics, the Georgics and the first five books of the Aeneid; the second part with books VI to XII is now in Paris (Bibliothèque Nationale, lat. 7929). In the beginning the manuscript contains the so-called Vita Donatiana and various slightly later texts. It is made with great calligraphic care so that the central column is always bordered on the right and on the left by a column of scholia. Cod. 172 is the principal textual witness of the scholia (commentaries) by Servius and Donatus, which have been transmitted in this form almost exclusively in manuscripts from the Bongarsiana collection.
Online Since: 12/17/2015
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Basilius, Caesariensis (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Annotator) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) | Servius (Author) | Vergilius Maro, Publius (Author) Found in: Standard description
Cod. 207, presumably created in Fleury (St. Benoît-sur-Loire), is one of the few and by far the richest representative of a style that evolved in Fleury towards the end of the 8th century; with its extremely rich and high-quality artistic decoration, consisting of three ornamental pages and almost 140 initials, it is an outstanding example of the creative evolution that the insular language of forms underwent in the important cultural centers of the continent. The manuscript, consisting of 197 leaves in Bern as well as 24 leaves in Paris (BNF, lat. 7520), is the oldest grammar manuscript from Fleury; it contains an early medieval corpus of Roman grammarians from antiquity and from the early medieval period: Bede, Donatus, Maximus Victorinus, Julianus Toletanus, Servius Honoratus, Asper minor, Sergius, Petrus Pisanus, Isidore, as well as numerous other anonymous treatises and excerpts.
Online Since: 10/13/2016
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Asper (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Donatus, Aelius (Author) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Iulianus, Toletanus (Author) | Lindt, Johann (Restorer) | Maximus, Victorinus (Author) | Optatianus Porfyrius, Publilius (Author) | Petrus, Pisanus (Author) | Servius (Author) Found in: Standard description
The manuscript contains the second part of the Chronicle of Eusebius in the Latin translation and continuation of Jerome. The tables, generally laid out as double pages, are in the majority of cases condensed onto a single page. The book decoration is a superb example of pre-Carolingian manuscript illustration from the Frankish Empire and Northern Italy. From the detailed information on the title page, one can deduce that the text was written in 699; the Bernese Chronicle of Eusebius therefore is Switzerland's oldest dated manuscript.
Online Since: 09/23/2014
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Eusebius, Caesariensis (Author) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Pithou, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
The Physiologus is an early Christian collection of naturalist allegorical descriptions, from which medieval bestiaries developed. Although Cod. 233 – as opposed to the famous Cod. 318 – contains just the Physiologus without illustrations, it is nevertheless the earliest representative of the important Latin textual recension B. Further parts of the former compound codex are in the Bibliothèque municipale of Orléans and in the Burgerbibliothek Bern. The volume came to Bern in 1632 from the possessions of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 09/26/2024
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This 9th century manuscript is dedicated to the Artes; it consists of two parts, the first of which was written in Fulda around the second quarter of the 9th century. It contains the second book of Cassiodorus' Institutiones, which is devoted to secular knowledge; since the 9th century, it has been preserved in several manuscripts in an interpolated version that contains Cassiodorus' remarks on grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy, supplemented with excerpts from Quintilian, Boethius, Augustine and others. The second part was created a little earlier or simultaneously during the first third of the 9th century in Western France; it contains Alcuin's Dialectica and excerpts from Audax Grammaticus. The two parts were already combined in the 9th century and were held in France.
Online Since: 09/23/2014
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Alcuinus, Flaccus (Author) | Audax, Grammaticus (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius (Author) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Wild, Marquard (Librarian) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, which was probably produced in Fleury, consists of two independent parts. The first part (f. 1-47) comprises three commentaries on the Old and the New Testament; the second part (f. 48-192) consists of a total of 14 glossaries containing a total of about 25,000 lemmas. A particularity of this manuscript is that it shows different stages in the development of glossaries side by side. The first part represents an earlier stage with definitions of words in the order of the source text, also containing glosses in Old English and Old High German. In the second part the glossaries are already more developed with entries on individual authors or certain topics, ordered alphabetically by keywords.
Online Since: 06/23/2016
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Eucherius, Lugdunensis (Author) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Haimo, Altissiodorensis (Author) | Johannes, Scotus Eriugena (Author) | Wild, Marquard (Librarian) Found in: Standard description
A very interesting, completely edited and corrected manuscript of the three books of the Sententiae by Isidore of Seville. Compared to the main tradition, the form of the text is substantially different and contains numerous transpositions and additions. The manuscript was written at the Abbey of Saint-Mesmin, Micy, as evidenced by ownership labels (ex libris) written along the text area of each quire. In the middle there is a subsequently inserted binion (11th century), which contains, among others, parts of the Sermones by Fulbert of Chartres.
Online Since: 06/23/2016
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Eugenius, Toletanus (Author) | Fulbertus, Carnotensis (Author) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Wild, Marquard (Librarian) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript is part of a substantial Carolingian composite manuscript, the surviving parts of which today are held in the Burgerbibliothek Bern (Cod. 330, 347, 357), the Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris (Ms. Lat. 7665), and in the Universitätsbibliothek Leiden (Voss. Lat. Q 30). Cod. 330 contains the last part of the volume with works on orthography by Cassiodorus, Alcuin-Bede, Caper, Terentius Scaurus, Agroetius, as well as several other texts.
Online Since: 06/25/2015
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Agroecius, Senonensis (Author) | Alcuinus, Flaccus (Author) | Anonymus (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Caper, Flavius (Author) | Cassianus, Johannes (Author) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Donatus, Aelius (Author) | Persius Flaccus, Aulus (Author) | Scaurus, Quintus Terentius (Author) | Vergilius Maro, Publius (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript is part of a substantial Carolingian composite manuscript, the surviving parts of which today are held in the Burgerbibliothek Bern (Cod. 330, 347, 357), the Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris (Ms. Lat. 7665), and in the Universitätsbibliothek Leiden (Voss. Lat. Q 30). Cod. 347 contains the first part of the volume with astronomical excerpts and diagrams from Macrobius and Pliny, as well as the beginning of Nonius Marcellus.
Online Since: 06/25/2015
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius (Author) | Nonius, Marcellus (Author) | Plinius Secundus, Gaius (Author) | Wild, Marquard (Librarian) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript is part of a substantial Carolingian composite manuscript, the surviving parts of which today are held in the Burgerbibliothek Bern (Cod. 330, 347, 357), the Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris (Ms. Lat. 7665), and in the Universitätsbibliothek Leiden (Voss. Lat. Q 30). Cod. 357 contains: on ff. 1–32, the second to last part of the volume with various glossaries and excerpts from Sallust; on ff. 33–41, the rest of Nonius Marcellus (continuation from Cod. 347), the oldest surviving textual witness of Petronius' Satyricon, as well as a fragment of a poem about weights and measures.
Online Since: 06/25/2015
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius (Author) | Nonius, Marcellus (Author) | Petronius, Arbiter (Author) | Priscianus, Caesariensis (Author) | Rhemmius, Fanninus (Author) | Sallustius Crispus, Gaius (Author) | Servius (Author) Found in: Standard description
A catalog of the Greek manuscripts in the library of Jean Hurant de Boistaillé (†1572), which he collected between 1561 and 1564, while serving in Venice as the ambassador of the King of France. For the purpose of assembling and cataloging this collection, Jean Hurault employed the services of Zacharias Scordylios (second half of the 16th century), a Greek theologian, priest, book printer and publisher, who lived in Venice. Although this catalog has been published several times, reference back to the original is necessary in the case of certain entries.
Online Since: 08/12/2010
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
One of the earliest and most famous manuscripts of Valerius Maximus; its importance lies in the autograph reworkings by Lupus of Ferrières. Lupus himself wrote the Exempla and the comment on the sometime "flyleaves" (f. II-III), repeatedly collated the main text, added supplements from the parallel transmission of Iulius Paris (an abbreviator of Valerius Maximus) and also its accompanying text (Gaius Titius Probus: De praenominibus; f. 158va-159r). In making the fresh description a hitherto unnoticed letter- or charter-like text was discovered on the last page (f. 159v).
Online Since: 06/23/2016
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Hortin, Samuel (Librarian) | Iulius, Paris (Author) | Lupus, Ferrariensis (Annotator) | Titus Probus, Gaius (Author) | Valerius Maximus (Author) | Wild, Marquard (Librarian) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, which was probably produced in Reims, consists of two parts that contain only the scholia on Lucan, but not the actual text. The first part (up to f. 125v) contains the scholia known as the Commenta Bernensia, which are preserved only in this codex. The text is interspersed with 21 simple schemata in color, geographic representations as well as plans of cities and of battles. The second, unfortunately incomplete part contains a collection of non-illustrated glosses (Adnotationes) for books 1 to 4 as well as 9 and 10 (beginning). As becomes clear from the content, the original plan of merging the Commenta and the Adnotationes into a single text was apparently abandoned in the middle of the first book of the Commenta, and the Adnotationes were copied separately in the last third of the manuscript (from f. 125v).
Online Since: 03/29/2019
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Frechulf (Author) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Lindt, Johann (Restorer) | Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus (Author) | Ps. Vacca (Author) | Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius (Author) Found in: Standard description
This textual witness of the Rhetorica ad Herennium, erroneously attributed to Cicero, was produced in the Loire area. The manuscript gained great attention in the 19th century already because it contains a short library catalog from the 11th/12th century, which probably refers to books from the Abbey of Saint-Mesmin de Micy. The claim that the manuscript originated in Fleury, proposed by many earlier authors, is uncertain and has been rejected several times in recent times. This volume came to Bern in 1632 from the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 10/08/2020
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
One of the oldest and most important manuscripts of the Alexander story by Curtius Rufus; it probably was copied on the initiative of Lupus of Ferrières at the local abbey. A quire bound in the front contains a collection of excerpts from the Pseudo-Isidorian papal letters (= false decretals) which has been preserved only here. This collection is larger than the related partial collection by Hinkmar of Laon and most probably stems from the common 'legal invention', which was thought to have been lost. The final pages of the manuscript contain a geographical index of the late Roman administration and notes on the city of Rome. This volume came into the possession of Pierre Daniel, who annotated it extensively; in 1632 the manuscript came to Bern as part of Jacques Bongars' collection.
Online Since: 10/08/2020
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Curtius Rufus, Quintus (Author) | Daniel, Pierre (Annotator) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Hortin, Samuel (Librarian) | Lindt, Johann (Restorer) | Lupus, Ferrariensis (Annotator) Found in: Standard description
This Merovingian composite manuscript, which was created in Bourges, originally consisted of six independent parts, which were written by different, often not very practiced hands in various phases. Most of the close to thirty individual pieces are texts from grammatical, patristic, computistic and medical works. The longer pieces are interspersed with further excerpts, partly written in Tironian notes. One quaternio from the only partially preserved third part is today held in Paris (BN lat. 10756). Noteworthy is the palimpsest in the fifth part, whose undertexts were probably written in Italy in the 7th century and in the second half of the 5th century respectively.
Online Since: 03/17/2016
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Alcuinus, Flaccus (Author) | Asper (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Dionysius, Exiguus (Author) | Galenus (Author) | Gargilius Martialis, Quintus (Author) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Lindt, Johann (Restorer) | Methodius, Olympius (Author) | Oribasius (Author) | Palladius, Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus (Author) | Pithou, Pierre (Former possessor) | Pomerius, Iulianus (Author) | Taio, Caesaraugustanus (Author) Found in: Standard description
These two fragments are from the binding of Cod. 611, from which they were removed during restoration; they are two halves of a French notarial document relating to Pierre Daniel.
Online Since: 03/17/2016
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor)
Four bifolia (= 1 quire) of a manuscript of Augustine's De vera religione, which probably was once in Fleury. It is the first quire of Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 540, of which another part can be found in Città del Vaticano, B.A.V., Reg. lat. 1709. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Five leaves from a Fleury manuscript that contains, alongside medical recipes, the oldest treatise on the production of binding agents. Therefore, this text, which has only survived here, is extremely important for the understanding of the production and use of colors in the Middle Ages. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
A list of manuscripts from Fleury noted by Pierre Daniel on a page; all the manuscripts are today more or less securely traceable to the libraries of Orléans and Paris. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Author) | Daniel, Pierre (Scribe) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Two quires of a Latin glossary, belonging to the Aptet-type, that probably were produced in Northern France. A note indicates Pierre Daniel as a previous owner. The fragment, which perhaps belonged to the same manuscript as Cod. A 92.2, came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Seven leaves from a Loire-area glossary, of which only the B-L section remains. The fragment was annotated by Pierre Daniel and came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Single leaf from a manuscript probably produced in the Loire region and containing Livy's Periochae. The fragment was annotated by Pierre Daniel and came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Livius, Titus (Author) Found in: Standard description
Single leaf of a manuscript produced in France containing Horace's Odes, with the scholia of (Ps.-)Acron. The manuscript, of which further parts are found in Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. lat. 1675, belonged to Pierre Daniel. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Acro, Helenius (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Horatius Flaccus, Quintus (Author) Found in: Standard description
Two leaves of a manuscript probably produced in the Loire region with Isidore's De natura rerum. The second leaf contains a carefully drawn and illuminated map of the winds with the Latin and Greek names of the winds. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
Two bifolia from a manuscript produced in Fleury; in addition to Phocas' grammar, the fragment contains excerpts from Priscian as well as a poem on Saint Benedict. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Marcus, Casinensis (Author) | Phocas (Author) | Priscianus, Caesariensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
Bifolium from a manuscript produced in France. The fragment contains the accessus to Cicero's De amicitia as well as the beginning of a glossed version of Horace's Ars poetica. It came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Annotator) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Horatius Flaccus, Quintus (Author) Found in: Standard description
4 bifolia (probably 1 quire) from a manuscript produced in Fleury. The content of the texts, which are partly designed as a student-teacher dialogue, ranges from orthography and grammer to the Artes liberales and the ages of the world to a glossary of the parts of the body. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Alcuinus, Flaccus (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
Sixteen leaves (= 2 whole quires) of a manuscript probably produced around Lyon and containing the Registrum epistolarum of Gregory the Great. The text, apparently compiled from the Registrum Hadrianum (R), indictio II, appears to have been prepared for copying as late as the 9th century. In 1632, it came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) Found in: Standard description
An extensive part (18 leaves) of a large-format homiliary, probably coming from the Loire area, and decorated with various initials in a Romanesque style. The leaves, which belong to at least three different quires, are today heavily damaged and bound together. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. In the 20th century, a leaf was lost and was found again in Zurich in 1944.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bloesch, Hans (Librarian) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Caesarius, Arelatensis (Author) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Fulbertus, Carnotensis (Author) | Fulgentius, Claudius Gordianus (Author) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Haimo, Altissiodorensis (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Marcellus, Ancyranus (Author) | Melito, Sardianus (Author) | Mohlberg, Leo Cunibert (Librarian) | Rufinus, Aquileiensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
Single leaf of a manuscript produced in France and containing the Gesta Treverorum. Other parts of this manuscript can today be found in Paris (BnF, latin 5873) and in the Vatican (B.A.V., Reg. lat. 1283). In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Three bifolia from a manuscript probably produced in Fleury. Other parts of the manuscript can be found in Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 170. The fragment contains parts of the vita of saint Placidus and his disciples. In 1632, it came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Petrus, Pisanus (Author) Found in: Standard description
Single leaf of a manuscript probably produced in Micy with the miracles of saint Maximinus. The fragment subsequently belonged to Pierre Daniel and later came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Letaldus, Miciacensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
Four bifolia (possibly one quire) from a manuscript produced in France. The text, conceived as a dialogue between teacher and pupil, which survives in its entirety in Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 417, f. 47r-61v, contains the treatise De divisionibus temporum, based on an Irish computus. Formerly in the possession of Pierre Daniel, the fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Two bifolia from a manuscript written in France, containing Sedulius' Carmen paschale. The sparsely illuminated and glossed fragment previously belonged to Pierre Daniel and came in 1632 to Bern in the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Sedulius, Caelius (Author) Found in: Standard description
Four bifolia (1 quire) from a manuscript likely made in Western France that contained Augustine's De magistro. Some leaves are the palimpsest of a document copied on both sides, possibly of Spanish origin. The fragment belonged initially to Pierre Daniel, and came in 1632 to Bern in the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Three bifolia from a manuscript produced in France, which contained the treatises De tropis loquendi by Peter the Chanter and De schematibus et tropis by Bede. On the last leaf is a collection of French medical recipes. As can be seen from a note on f. 1r, Pierre Daniel and Pierre Pithou exchanged ideas about the content of the text. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Petrus, Cantor (Author) | Pithou, Pierre (Annotator) Found in: Standard description
Four bifolia (likely 1 quire) from a small-format manuscript, which, as the scribal note (f. 5v-6r) of a certain Letaldus suggests, comes from Fleury or Micy. It contained, in addition to excerpts from the works of Priscian and of Seneca, the Disticha Catonis and other pieces. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern in the property of Jacques Bongars via Pierre Daniel, who copied the scribe's note in Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 450.11.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Letaldus, Miciacensis (Author) | Letaldus, Miciacensis (Scribe) | Priscianus, Caesariensis (Author) | Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (Author) Found in: Standard description
Composite manuscript consisting of two different parts that probably came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. Part A comes from an extensive collection of lives of the saints for the liturgy of Fleury, various of which have been preserved in the Vatican Library: Reg. lat. 274, f. 95–102; Reg. lat. 318, f. 1–79, 80–146, 147–258; Reg. lat. 585, f. 13–27; Reg. lat. 711.II, f. 11–18; 67–76. Part B contains fragments from Isidore's grammatical writings and probably was written in Eastern France.
Online Since: 10/10/2019
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Pontius, Carthaginiensis (Author) | Steiger, Karl Ludwig von (Librarian) Found in: Standard description
The only textual witness for certain letters by Salvianus of Marseille, the complement of which is preserved in Paris BN lat. 2174, f. 113–115. This non-illuminated fragment probably came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 10/10/2019
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Daniel, Pierre (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Lindt, Johann (Restorer) | Salvianus, Massiliensis (Author) Found in: Standard description