Heinrich Arnoldi (1407-1487)
The composite manuscript transmits, alongside the first volume of Hermann Joseph of Steinfeld's (1150-1241) Revelationum seu imaginationum de undecim milibus virginum, Elisabeth of Schönau's (1129-1164) Liber revelationum, and Johannes Brugmanus' (1400-1475) Vita Lidwinae de Schiedamensis, numerous exempla, including some by Cesarius of Heisterbach (1180-1240) and by Thomas de Cantimpré (1201-1272). This volume was probably copied in the Strasbourg Charterhouse and, shortly after its production, given by Antonius Reuchlin, prior of the Strasbourg Charterhouse between 1439 and 1449 and between 1455 and 1466, to the Basel Charterhouse.
Online Since: 09/26/2024
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Brugmanus, Johannes (Author) | Caesarius, Heisterbacensis (Author) | Elisabeth, Schonaugiensis (Author) | Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) | Hermann Joseph, von Steinfeld, Heiliger (Author) | Jacobus, de Voragine (Author) | Louber, Jakob (Former possessor) | Reuchlin, Antonius (Former possessor) | Ströulin, Martin (Annotator) | Thomas, de Cantiprato (Author) Found in: Standard description
This 13th century manuscript with Peter Lombards' commentary on the Psalms, previously owned by Petrus Medicus, came to the Carthusian Monastery of Basel in the 15th century. The codex is organized in three columns, although the outermost column closest to the margin remains empty. The two columns of text are in turn again partly divided in half and give the biblical text in the left half and the commentary in the right half, in lines of half the height. Figure initials in delicate French style correspond to the division of the Psalter into eight liturgical sections. The blank area below the text contains nearly unreadable notes perhaps in pencil, which may be a further commentary.
Online Since: 12/20/2016
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) | Louber, Jakob (Annotator) | Moser, Urban (Librarian) | Petrus, Lombardus (Author) Found in: Standard description
First part of a two-volume edition of Gregory's Moralia in Iob. From the Carthusian Monastery, purchased at the Council of Basel. The main part of the manuscript was written at the turn from the 11th to the 12th century; the Tabula found at the very beginning and very end of the volume was added in the 13th century. The earlier provenance of the manuscript is not clear, but an origin in common with the second volume (B I 13a) stands to reason.
Online Since: 09/26/2017
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Carpentarii, Georgius (Librarian) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) | Louber, Jakob (Librarian) | Moser, Urban (Librarian) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript contains the homilary of Paulus Diaconus for the winter season and was written and illustrated during the 9th and 10th centuries by various St. Gall copyists. It belonged to the Charter House at Basel, to which it was presented, like B IV 26, by Pierre de la Trilline, Bishop of Lodève near Montpellier (1430-1441), who served in various capacities at the Council of Basel.
Online Since: 12/13/2013
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) | Heinrich Arnoldi (Librarian) | Louber, Jakob (Annotator) | Louber, Jakob (Librarian) | Paulus, Diaconus (Author) | Pierre, de la Trilline (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) | Heinrich Arnoldi (Librarian) | Louber, Jakob (Annotator) | Louber, Jakob (Librarian) | Paulus, Diaconus (Author) | Pierre, de la Trilline (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
From 1470 until 1475, Jakob Lauber, later the head of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel and its richly endowed library, attended lectures by the famous decretist Peter Andlau at the newly founded University of Basel; this is attested by his lecture notes on the Conclusiones Clementinarum and the Liber sextus of Boniface VIII from the year 1471.
Online Since: 03/19/2015
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) | Louber, Jakob (Scribe) | Petrus, De Andelo (Author) Found in: Standard description
Pierre d'Ailly (Latin: Petrus de Alliaco) was a scholar, church politician and productive writer. His geographic work Imago mundi became famous; Christopher Columbus used it in order to plan his voyages of discovery. This Basel exemplar belonged to the city physician of Basel, Heinrich Amici († 1451), who bequeathed it to his city's Carthusian monastery.
Online Since: 03/19/2015
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Amici, Henricus (Former possessor) | Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) | Louber, Jakob (Annotator) | Penliuard, J. de (Scribe) | Petrus, de Alliaco (Author) Found in: Standard description
Composite manuscript of philosophical content, owned by Jakob Lauber and even partially written by him. Jakob Lauber from Lindau studied at the then newly founded University of Basel from 1466 until 1475, first in the Faculty of Arts, then canon law in the Faculty of Law. After serving as rector for a short period, he entered the Carthusian Monastery of Basel in 1477; as its prior from 1480 on, he expanded it significantly and reorganized its library. When he entered the monastery, Lauber's library became the property of the monastery.
Online Since: 06/25/2015
- Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Anonymus (Author) | Aristoteles (Author) | Euclides (Author) | Gerardus, Cremonensis (Author) | Heinrich Arnoldi (Former possessor) | Louber, Jakob (Author) | Louber, Jakob (Scribe) | Louber, Jakob (Former possessor) | Petrus, Dresdensis (Author) | Siber, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description