Kemli, Gallus
This composite codex belonged to Kemli, a monk of St. Gall who had the parts, some of which come from the fourteenth century, bound together and interspersed with blank pages, which he and other writers then filled in. For this reason, the manuscript features numerous different hands and a constantly changing layout. The larger blocks of related text are a collection of sermons (Liber Sagittarius, pp. 3–61), a confessors' manual (pp. 71a–92b), commentaries on hymns and sequences (pp. 118–217b), as well as a collection, apparently assembled by Kemli himself, of ancient historical exempla, which in part are taken from the Gesta romanorum (pp. 226–357). The leather binding dates from the fifteenth century.
Online Since: 09/22/2022
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Eccardus IV, Sangallensis (Author) | Hugo, von Trimberg (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Scribe) | Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) | Ludovici, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Eccardus IV, Sangallensis (Author) | Hugo, von Trimberg (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Scribe) | Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) | Ludovici, Johannes (Author) Found in: Additional description
This small prayerbook contains four large textual units, of which three could be called Marian prayers. A short psalter that connects the first verse of each psalm with an Ave Maria (pp. 5–35), an extensive litany of saints (pp. 37–68), the “Joys of Mary” (pp. 69–180), and another short psalter that is structured like the first text, except that throughout it uses a different Psalm verse instead of the initial verse (pp. 180–200). The manuscript is entirely written by a skilled hand and contains rubrics and initials in red and blue ink. The text is preceded by two full-page illuminations (p. 2 Enthroned Virgin and Child, p. 3 the Flagellation of Christ). The mention of St. Abundius of Como (p. 56) suggests a possible place of origin for the codex. Thus Scherrer suggests that it could have been copied in Italy for Benedictines; Scarpatetti thinks that it was produced in or for a lay chapter or a women's convent. On p. C can be found a likely post-medieval ownership mark by a certain Jodokus Graislos in Greek script. In the eighteenth century, the book received its current, unadorned binding and an ownership mark of the St. Gall-dependent convent of St. Johann im Thurtal (p. 1), whence the manuscript came to the Abbey Library.
Online Since: 09/22/2022
- Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
The folio-sized volume transmitting a collection of legends from James of Voragine probably comes from the personal collection of Kemli, monk of St. Gall; in any case, it is expanded and corrected in his own hand. The arrangement of the manuscript is therefore not unitary. The older part is copied in two columns by a late fourteenth-century hand; the texts on the leaves inserted and annotated by Kemli are in a single column (pp. 2–20, 164–189, 210–211, 445–462, 471–474). The Legenda sanctorum (pp. 2–452) is supplemented by a Materia de exorcismo et coniurationibus (pp. 456–470) added by Kemli. To this text there are some additions, pp. 463–470, made in an another hand from the second half of the fifteenth century, which in turn were expanded by Kemli (p. 470). On pp. 471–473 follows the final text, written in Kemli's hand, containing a legend of the Eleven Thousand Virgins; before the beginning of the text a half-page leaf was glued. Probably it was the woodcut with the ship of St. Ursula that Ildefons von Arx detached (Kemli-Kat., Nr. 31). The fifteenth-century binding has been repaired several times and has two leather covers and, on the front cover, a title label written by Kemli.
Online Since: 09/22/2022
- Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Buchegger, Franz Eduard (Librarian) | Jacobus, de Voragine (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Scribe) | Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Buchegger, Franz Eduard (Librarian) | Jacobus, de Voragine (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Scribe) | Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
This paper manuscript brings together various texts of pastoral theology on the sacraments, and particularly on confession, as well as commentaries on the doctrine of the faith as well as sermons. Among these texts are the Summula de summa Raimundi of Magister Adam [Adamus Alderspacensis] (pp. 99–138) and the Liber Floretus (pp. 139–151), both written in verse. The scribe identifies himself as Johannes in a colophon on p. 138. The manuscript presents numerous annotations from the hand of the learned and wandering St. Gall monk Gallus Kemli (1480/1481).
Online Since: 04/25/2023
- Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Adamus, Alderspacensis (Author) | Alexander, de Villa Dei (Author) | Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Hermannus, de Schildis (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Scribe) | Kemli, Gallus (Annotator) | Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) | Metzler, Jodokus (Librarian) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) Found in: Standard description
- Adamus, Alderspacensis (Author) | Alexander, de Villa Dei (Author) | Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Hermannus, de Schildis (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Scribe) | Kemli, Gallus (Annotator) | Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) | Metzler, Jodokus (Librarian) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) Found in: Additional description
This voluminous paper manuscript was written by Gallus Kemli († 1480/81) approximately in the period 1466 to 1476. It transmits tools, compendia, and summaries of theology, canon law, liturgy, and confession and penance, as well as prayers and chants with German Plainchant (Hufnagel) notation for the mass, a rituale, and, finally, further prayers, blessings, sermons and exhortations, partly in Latin and partly in German. The manuscript is bound in a limp wrapper with a red leather cover. Gallus Kemli, monk of Saint Gall, who led an erratic itinerant life outside the abbey, left at his death a large collection of books, including this one.
Online Since: 09/22/2022
- Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Adamus, Easton (Author) | Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Scribe) | Kemli, Gallus (Annotator) | Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) | Nicolaus, de Lyra (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Adamus, Easton (Author) | Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Author) | Kemli, Gallus (Scribe) | Kemli, Gallus (Annotator) | Kemli, Gallus (Former possessor) | Nicolaus, de Lyra (Author) Found in: Additional description