Gossembrot, Sigismundus (1417-1493)
GND: 103086838
document found
Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, O I 10
Parchment · 369 ff. · 29 x 21.5 cm · 3rd quarter of the 15th century
Composite manuscript (Theology)
This composite manuscript of theological content originally belonged to the patrician family Gossembrot of Augsburg (late 15th century); via Johannes Oporin († 1568), Eusebius Merz († 1616) and Remigius Faesch († 1667), it finally became part of the university library of Basel in 1823. Except for a single remaining woodcut, various miniatures and woodcuts pasted into the manuscript have been torn out.
Online Since: 06/22/2017
- Gossembrot, Sigismundus (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Gossembrot, Sigismundus (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Albrecht, von Eyb (Author) | Andreas, Capellanus (Author) | Baptista Dionysius (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Fäsch, Johann Rudolf (Librarian) | Fäsch, Johann Rudolf (Annotator) | Fäsch, Ruman (Librarian) | Fäsch, Ruman (Annotator) | Fäsch, Ruman (Former possessor) | Gerlach, Franz Dorotheus (Librarian) | Gossembrot, Sigismundus (Annotator) | Gossembrot, Sigismundus (Author) | Gossembrot, Sigismundus (Former possessor) | Huber, Daniel (Librarian) | Johannes, Gerson (Author) | Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus (Author) | Meisterlin, Sigismundus (Annotator) | Meisterlin, Sigismundus (Scribe) | Merz, Eusebius (Former possessor) | Oporinus, Johannes (Former possessor) | Petrarca, Francesco (Author) | Vegius, Mapheus (Author) | Venantius, Fortunatus (Author) | Wimpfeling, Jakob (Author) Found in: Standard description