Adert, Jacques (1817-1886)
GND: 1050720946
document found
Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. lat. 172
Parchment · 108 + II ff. · 21.3 x 14 cm · Italy · mid to late 15th century
Phalaris, Diogenes of Sinope, Brutus, Letters (translated by Francesco d'Arezzo and Ranuccio d'Arezzo)
This volume, which was produced in Italy in the mid to late 15th century, is a collection of letters, bringing together letters by Phalaris, Diogenes of Sinope and Brutus, who were regarded in the middle ages as the true authors of these letters. They were translated into Latin by Francesco Griffolini Aretino and Ranuccio of Arezzo. A decorative illustration in bianchi girari (entwined white vine style) is found at the beginning of the section by each author. Two fragments of De officiis ministrorum by St. Ambrose are found at the end of the volume.
Online Since: 04/15/2010
- Adert, Jacques (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Adert, Jacques (Former possessor) | Ambrosius, Mediolanensis (Author) | Brutus, Marcus Iunius, Caesaris Interfector (Author) | Diogenes, Sinopensis (Author) | Griffolini, Francesco (Translator) | Phalaris, Akragas Tyrann (Author) | Rinutius, Aretinus (Translator) Found in: Standard description