Foucault, Nicolas-Joseph (1643-1721)
GND: 1059654024
document found
Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 181
Parchment · III + 310 + II ff. · 37.5 x 27.5 cm · France · end of the 15th century
Flavius Iosephus, Antiquitates iudaicae
The 13 large illustrations in this French manuscript, written in the 15th century, were produced by one of the most important book decorators of the late middle ages : Jean Fouquet (BnF, ms. fr. 247). They are richly decorated with gold and cover two thirds of a page; a large number of initials adorned with flowers round out the illustrator's iconographic program. The first page, which is missing, also certainly held a decorative illustration (Adam and Eve?). At the beginning of a prolog is a small miniature portraying the author writing the book. The Antiquitates iudaicae recounts the history of the Jewish nation from Genesis to the year 66 according to the modern western calendar.
Online Since: 03/22/2012
- Foucault, Nicolas-Joseph (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Evans, Robert Harding (Seller) | Foucault, Nicolas-Joseph (Former possessor) | Josephus, Flavius (Author) Found in: Standard description