Search: the scholarly manuscript descriptions can be searched either using Full Text or using specific
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(Wildcard): a search for Gall* will find St. Gallen and Gallus. Wildcards can be used at
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Freiburger Perikopen will produce many more results than "Freiburger Perikopen".
~ (Fuzzy search, search for similar words):
using the ~ (Tilde), all words similar to the search term will also be returned. This means a search for Stricker~ will
also find Strickler, Strecker and Strichen.
Parchment · 24 ff. · 21/21.5 x 14.5 cm · Netherlands · 15th century
Legend (Dutch, fragments)
This codex consists of various fragments: the Speculum perfectionis attributed to Leon of Assisi, various legends of St. Polycarp, St. Thecla, St. Maria Romana, St. Radegund, and a part of the legend of St. Elizabeth of Hungary by Dietrich of Apolda, all of which are taken from the the same Dutch manuscript. Before this manuscript reached Porrentruy, it was the property of Canon Nicolas-Antoine Labbey de Billy, vicar general in Langres († 1825). (ber)
Online Since: 03/17/2016
Hornstein, Joseph-Xavier (Former possessor)
Found in:
Standard description(Gamper Rudolf / Jurot Romain, Catalogue des manuscrits médiévaux conservés à Porrentruy et dans le canton du Jura, Dietikon-Zürich 1999, p. 76-77.)
Found in:
Standard description(Gamper Rudolf / Jurot Romain, Catalogue des manuscrits médiévaux conservés à Porrentruy et dans le canton du Jura, Dietikon-Zürich 1999, p. 76-77.)
Parchment · 19 ff. · 16.5 x 12 cm · Southern Germany · 14th century
This manuscript consists of only 19 leaves containing the lives of several Southern German saints, among them the Vita Erhardi and the Vita Adelberti. Before the manuscript reached Porrentruy, it was the property of Canon Nicolas-Antoine Labbey de Billy, vicar general in Langres († 1825). (ber)
Online Since: 03/17/2016
Hornstein, Joseph-Xavier (Former possessor)
Found in:
Standard description(Gamper Rudolf / Jurot Romain, Catalogue des manuscrits médiévaux conservés à Porrentruy et dans le canton du Jura, Dietikon-Zürich 1999, p. 101-102.)
Hornstein, Joseph-Xavier (Former possessor)
Found in:
Standard description(Gamper Rudolf / Jurot Romain, Catalogue des manuscrits médiévaux conservés à Porrentruy et dans le canton du Jura, Dietikon-Zürich 1999, p. 101-102.)
Parchment · 414 pp. · 27-27.5 x 17 cm · St. Bertin · second third of the 9th century
Liber Evangeliorum et Capitulare
A 9th century volume containing the Gospels, originally from Saint-Ursanne. (jur)
Online Since: 03/24/2006
Hornstein, Joseph-Xavier (Former possessor)
Found in:
Standard description(Gamper Rudolf / Jurot Romain, Catalogue des manuscrits médiévaux conservés à Porrentruy et dans le canton du Jura, Dietikon-Zürich 1999, p. 115-117.)
Hornstein, Joseph-Xavier (Former possessor)
Found in:
Standard description(Gamper Rudolf / Jurot Romain, Catalogue des manuscrits médiévaux conservés à Porrentruy et dans le canton du Jura, Dietikon-Zürich 1999, p. 115-117.)