Guarnieri Ottoni, Aurelio (1737-1788)
10th century manuscript of Italian origin, which contains numerous works of rhetoric: the Ars rhetorica by Fortunatianus, the Principia rhetorices by Augustine, the Praecepta artis rhetoricae by Julius Severianus and the Partitiones oratoriae by Cicero. In the 14th century, it became the property of Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca), who, at various times of his life, added numerous marginal notes. The manuscript demonstrates the humanist's interest in the Oratores latini minores (minor Latin orators), which contributed to their rediscovery and proliferation.
Online Since: 04/09/2014
- Guarnieri Ottoni, Aurelio (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Guarnieri Ottoni, Aurelio (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Fortunatianus, Consultus (Author) | Guarnieri Ottoni, Aurelio (Patron) | Guarnieri Ottoni, Aurelio (Former possessor) | Iulius, Severianus (Author) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) | Lathrop C. Harper Inc. (New York, N.Y.) (Seller) | Petrarca, Francesco (Annotator) | Petrarca, Francesco (Former possessor) | Rauch, Nicolas (Seller) | Rosenthal, Bernard M. (Seller) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, written in early Gothic script and dated to the end of the 12th century, contains an incomplete copy of Ovid's Metamorphoses (2,52 – 3,466; 3,651 – 14,43; 14,414 – 15,668). There are marginal and interlinear glosses as well as variants by various hands.
Online Since: 06/22/2017
- Guarnieri Ottoni, Aurelio (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Guarnieri Ottoni, Aurelio (Former possessor) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) | Rauch, Nicolas (Seller) Found in: Standard description