Blumin, Elisabeth (XXXX-1550)
GND: 1108820506
document found
Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, A XI 64
Paper · 106 ff. · 15 x 10 cm · East Upper German-speaking region (Region of Bavaria/Austria) · 2nd third of the 16th century
Prayer book of Elisabeth Blumin
This manuscript contains, among others, prayers by Johannes von Indersdorf for Duke William III of Bavaria, the seven Penitential Psalms, as well as texts on the passion and the deposition of Christ. The major part of the prayer book was written in the years 1534 and 1540, more prayers filled in blank sections until the 1560s. The exact provenance of the manuscript is unknown, but the written language as well as the textual tradition suggest the East Upper German-speaking area (the region of Bavaria/Austria). The prayer book receives its name from Elisabeth Blumin, deceased 23 May 1550, who is mentioned at the end, and who may have been the first owner of this manuscript.
Online Since: 12/14/2017
- Blumin, Elisabeth (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Blumin, Elisabeth (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Blumin, Elisabeth (Former possessor) | Johannes, von Indersdorf (Author) Found in: Standard description