Kamenschede, Gottschalk (ca. XIV sec.)
This manuscript from the Carthusian monastery of Basel, whose shelfmark was changed several times, consists of three originally independent parts. The first, homiletic, part contains a series of Sermones and interpretive Expositiones on the Gospel readings of the day. The second part consists of a treatise on the ten commandments by the Augustinian Hermit Heinrich von Friemar (1245-1340) and an anonymous commentary on the Latin version of the Physiologus Theobaldi. In the third part of the manuscript, in addition to instructions for leading a God-pleasing life, there is a dispute between angel and devil about the seven deadly sins.
Online Since: 12/14/2017
- Kamenschede, Gottschalk (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Kamenschede, Gottschalk (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Caesarius, Arelatensis (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Heinrich Arnoldi (Librarian) | Henricus, de Frimaria (Author) | Johannes, Chrysostomus (Author) | Kamenschede, Gottschalk (Former possessor) | Louber, Jakob (Librarian) | Origenes (Author) | Pfister, Conrad (Librarian) Found in: Standard description
This codex contains high quality excerpts of nearly all known Latin writings by the Dominican Meister Eckhart (ca. 1260 – ca. 1328), which are available overall in no more than a dozen manuscripts. Although the scribe, who probably belonged to the circle of the Dominican Monastery of Cologne, seems to have compiled the excerpts “mechanically and without understanding” (Koch), the texts are of high quality. The manuscript was purchased in 1386 by the Westphalian priest Gottschalk Kamenschede, who later donated it to the Carthusian Monastery of Basel.
Online Since: 06/14/2018
- Kamenschede, Gottschalk (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Eckhart, Meister (Author) | Kamenschede, Gottschalk (Former possessor) | Louber, Jakob (Librarian) Found in: Standard description