Bodmer, Martin (1899-1971)
Cleomadés, a poem in octosyllabic verse, is considered the masterpiece of the 13th century French poet Adenes le Roi. He lived at the courts of Brabant, France, and Flanders and composed various chansons de geste and courtly romances.
Online Since: 04/09/2014
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Adenet, le Roi (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Phillipps, Thomas (Seller) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) Found in: Standard description
Manuscript from Italy with the widely disseminated and successful collection of Medieval Latin fables in elegiac couplets called Esopus. These were initially anonymously published in 1610 by Isaac Nevelet and were therefore attributed to the Anonymus Neveleti. The editor Léopold Hervieux in 1884 attributed them to a Gualterus Anglicus, who lived in Palermo during the 12th century. However, this attribution has in recent years been called into question by various specialists. The fables have as their protagonists various animals and end with a moral in the form of a couplet.
Online Since: 12/13/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Anonymus, Neveleti (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Gualterus, Anglicus (Author) | Rosenthal, Bernard M. (Seller) Found in: Standard description
The Historiae de preliis Alexandri Magni forms a part of the vast body of Latin literature devoted to Alexander the Great during the middle ages in the occident. This manuscript, written on parchment during the 14th or 15th century (perhaps around 1400), is most likely of English origin, judging by its extremely rounded Gothic script. The titles are rubricated, and contemporaneous glosses and corrections have been added in the margins.
Online Since: 04/15/2010
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This Latin manuscript on astronomical topics includes works by Germanicus, Pliny the Elder and Hyginus. The codex features numerous pen and ink drawings, including a planisphere (rotatable star chart) consisting of five golden concentric circles containing constellations portrayed as people or animals. These drawings, dating from the 15th century, have been attributed to Antonio di Mario of the Neapolitan region.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Aratus, Solensis (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Germanicus, Julius Caesar (Author) | Hyginus, Mythographus (Author) | Ludwig Rosenthal's Antiquariat (München) (Seller) | Matthaeus, Vindocinensis (Author) | Perrins, Charles William Dyson (Former possessor) | Plinius Secundus, Gaius (Author) Found in: Standard description
During the entire middle ages in the occident, the texts of Aristotle and Boethius were well circulated and inspired a large number of thinkers. These two great philosophers are brought together in this volume, written in a variety of different hands. The first portion, which can be dated sometime in the 11th or 12th century, contains the works of Aristotle. It also includes an extremely interesting schema (fol. 27) and initials accented in green and decorated with scrollwork. The text of Boethius, which is dated somewhat later, was copied during the 12th century. In this text one also finds some contemporaneous corrections as well as glosses from the 14th century.
Online Since: 06/02/2010
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Aristoteles (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) Found in: Standard description
Manuscript CB 10 was probably intended for educational use, it contains works of Aristotle, Avicenna, Nicolaus Damascenus, Qusta Ibn-Luca and Alexander Aphrodisiensis. This manuscript, written on parchment during the 13th century, presumably belonged to a student of the Faculty of Arts in Leipzig, as may be concluded from a list of lectures attended during the year 1439 which is included in the codex. The list contains the names of the professors, titles of the texts covered, lecturers' fees, and starting and ending dates for the lecture periods.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Alexander, Aphrodisiensis (Author) | Alfredus, Sereshalensis (Translator) | Aristoteles (Author) | Avicenna (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Farabi, Abu-Nasr Muhammad Ibn-Muhammad al- (Author) | Gerardus, Cremonensis (Translator) | Henricus, Aristippus (Translator) | Jacobus, de Venetiis (Translator) | Nicolaus, Damascenus (Author) | Qusta Ibn-Luqa (Author) Found in: Standard description
The Estoire de la guerre sainte, attributed to Ambroise d'Evreux, informs us that the Chanson d'Aspremont was read aloud during the winter of 1190 to entertain the soldiers of Richard the Lionhearted and Philip Augustus, who were stationed in Sicily. This heroic epic (chanson de geste) in rhymed decimeter and Alexandrines tells of the campaign of Charlemagne in Italy against the pagan king Agolant and his son Helmont. The Anglo-Norman manuscript held by the Fondation Martin Bodmer was produced in the 13th century and contains interlinear and marginal corrections, added in a second hand at a slightly later date than that in which the text was written. Because the additions were doubtless made with the help of a proofing manuscript, we can thus measure the complex effort that was required for the dissemination of this text.
Online Since: 10/04/2011
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) Found in: Standard description
This French manuscript, probably incomplete, contains the commentary on the Psalms (Ps. 101-117, f. 1r-110v and 113r-136v) by Augustine of Hippo. De meditatione by Hugh of Saint Victor was inserted between Ps. 108 (f. 110v) and Ps. 109 (f. 113v). This manuscript probably comes from the manuscript collection of Hautecombe Abbey in Savoy, which was acquired by Archbishop Giacinto della Torre of Turin (1747-1814) for thearchdiocese's seminary library, which was later dispersed. The manuscript was acquired in 1957 from the book dealer Hoepli in Milan by Martin Bodmer.
Online Since: 06/23/2014
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Hoepli, Ulrico (Seller) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
This Latin parchment manuscript from the 14th century contains a comprehensive commentary by jurists of Bologna on the "Corpus Iuris Civilis" as well as on others, such as the "Codex Justinianus" and the "Digests".
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Azo, Porcius (Author) | Beatty, Alfred Chester (Former possessor) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Caulet, Jean de (Former possessor) | Expilly, Claude (Former possessor) | Hugolinus, Glossator (Author) | Johannes, Bassianus (Author) | Placentinus (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript was created in the German area in the 12th century. It contains the Venerable Bede's († 735) commentary on the Gospel of Mark. The codex belongs to the libray of the Benedictine Abbey of Gladbach near Cologne.
Online Since: 10/07/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Bernard Quaritch Ltd. (London) (Seller) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Longman, Thomas Norton (Seller) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Four fragments of parchment, separated from a binding, contain parts of the account of the so-called Navigatio sancti Brandani, the sea voyage of St. Brendan, an Irish monk of the fifth and sixth centuries. The work in Latin prose, handed down anonymously, is considered a classic of medieval hagiography and travel literature; since the 10th century, it has been preserved in numerous manuscripts. This version is an Anglo-Norman translation by the monk Benedeit (about 1120).
Online Since: 12/13/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Benedeit (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
In the middle of the 12th century the Latin works of Statius and Virgil as well as adaptations of Homer were translated into the vernacular. At the same time these Latin texts were being brought into the “romance” language (French), the first examples of the French poetic form called the “Roman” or Romance were being written. CB 18, a parchment manuscript, contains two such works, the Roman de Troie by Benoît de Sainte-Maure and the anonymously authored Roman de Thèbes.
Online Since: 03/25/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Benoît, de Sainte-More (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Evans, Robert Harding (Seller) | Heber, Richard (Former possessor) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, produced in 1480 at the Cistercian Abbey of Maulbronn (Diocese of Speyer, Württemberg, cf. f. 44r), contains texts written by Ekbert of Schönau, the brother of St. Elizabeth of Schönau, as well as prayers to Mary written in another hand.
Online Since: 03/25/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Ecbertus, Schonaugiensis (Author) | Jacopone, da Todi (Author) | Rosenthal, Erwin (Seller) Found in: Standard description
- Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Ecbertus, Schonaugiensis (Author) | Jacopone, da Todi (Author) | Rosenthal, Erwin (Seller) Found in: Additional description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Ecbertus, Schonaugiensis (Author) | Jacopone, da Todi (Author) | Rosenthal, Erwin (Seller) Found in: Additional description
The Chronique de Bertrand du Guesclin (Version B) is one of the two prose versions of Cuvelier's epic poem Chanson de Bertrand du Guesclin. This work recounts the life of the Constable for Charles V, from his childhood to his death.
Online Since: 12/14/2018
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Cuvelier, Jean (Author) | Du Guesclin, Bertrand (Author) Found in: Standard description
This volume of 25 leaves was produced between 1910-1916 to preserve eight fragments from five Greek parchment manuscripts. The fragments, almost all palimpsests, had been found around 1896 in the binding of an unidentified Syrian gospel from Harput (Anatolia). A: Fragm. 1-2 (4th century ex / 7th century in): parts of ch. 15 of Didascalia apostolorum; B: Fragm. 3-4 (6th century): parts of ch. 3-4 of First Epistle of Paul to Timothy; C: Fragm. 5, in extremely poor state of preservation: contents and dating unknown; D: Fragm. 6 (7th century): parts of the prologue and the beginning of the scholia on book 24 of the Iliad; E: Fragm. 7-8 (7th century): parts of Psalms 108, 114 and 115. The content of the writing on the lower parts of the palimpsests is neither known nor dated.
Online Since: 12/10/2020
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bernard Quaritch Ltd. (London) (Seller) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Copied in the 13th century, probably in the north of France, this Latin Bible unifies in one volume the books of the Old- and New Testaments, most of them preceded by prologues. It transmits the standard Vulgate text, called the Paris version, with the chapter divisions attributed to Stephen Langton, and its last thirty pages provide a glossary of Hebrew names. Historiated initials open the various biblical books and give the volume its structure. A smaller script than usual in this volume has been used on fol. 1 for the Commentary on the Tree of Consanguinity, a text usually transmitted in juridical works, augmented here by an illustration of such a tree.
Online Since: 12/21/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Raimundus, de Pennaforti (Author) Found in: Standard description
This codex from southern Germany is composed of two parts bound together in one German binding in 1569. The first part of the manuscript contains about a hundred leaves from the 12th and 13th centuries. It begins with a calendar featuring numerous constellations and full page illustrations. Following are prayers and liturgical songs. The second part consists of thirty leaves containing a series of Latin prayers in carefully wrought late 14th century Gothic script.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Abbey, John R. (Former possessor) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Elpis, Sicula (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) | Odo, Cluniacensis (Author) | Petrus, Damiani (Author) | Sedulius, Caelius (Author) | Venantius, Fortunatus (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Abbey, John R. (Former possessor) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Elpis, Sicula (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) | Odo, Cluniacensis (Author) | Petrus, Damiani (Author) | Sedulius, Caelius (Author) | Venantius, Fortunatus (Author) Found in: Additional description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Abbey, John R. (Former possessor) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Elpis, Sicula (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) | Odo, Cluniacensis (Author) | Petrus, Damiani (Author) | Sedulius, Caelius (Author) | Venantius, Fortunatus (Author) Found in: Additional description
This manuscript contains the Song of Songs with a lacuna (6.5-8) due to the loss of a sheet. The Glossa ordinaria is written on the first sheet (1r-1v); it contains a heretofore unknown commentary. Placed alongside this is the first part of the Song of Songs (f. 2r-29r. until Ct 6.8), which in the beginning (f. 2r-v) is surrounded by another unknown commentary. The last sheets (f. 29v-30) contain excerpts from the prologue to the interpretation of the Song of Songs by Rupert of Deutz. The beginning of the Song of Songs is adorned with an initial depicting Solomon and the Shulamite.
Online Since: 04/09/2014
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Mettler, Arnold (Former possessor) | Rupertus, Tuitiensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
Written in two columns in bastarda script with a decoration of fleuronné initials, from the first quarter of the 15th century (Wetzel), with two astrological tables added already in the 15th century (Wetzel) on the old flyleaf (f. 1r). The text of the Psalter, in the dialect of Rhenish Franconia (Hessen?), is closely related to the Psalter Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. Ms. theol. 214 v from the beginning of the 15th century. Wetzel assumes at least one common model. Thus the translation is part of Schöndorf's group 9, subgroup c) around München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 182 or Walter's Psalter 18.
Online Since: 12/17/2015
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Arenberg, Engelbert Prosper Ernst von (Former possessor) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) Found in: Standard description
Jean Bodel, who was a member of the Brotherhood of Buskers and a bourgeois (middle-class resident) of Arras, wrote his Chanson des Saisnes (Song of the Saxons) during the last third of the 12th century. This epic in Alexandrine verse tells of the war prosecuted by Charlemagne against the Saxon King Guiteclin. The Chanson exists today in three manuscripts (a fourth was completely destroyed in the fire at the library of Turin) which present different versions of the text. The long version held by the Fondation Martin Bodmer is in a small-format manuscrit de jongleur or performer's script. It was probably produced around the end of the 13th century and is a simple piece of work, without miniatures, written on parchment, much of which was poorly cut, and it is roughly sewn together.
Online Since: 12/21/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Jean, Bodel (Author) | Payne and Foss (Seller) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Boethius' De consolatione Philosophiae knew continuous success during the Middle Ages. This 14th century manuscript offers a complete copy of the Latin text with some interlinear glosses. The book decoration consists of a historiated initial with a half-length frontal portrait of the author as he points to his book (f. 1). From this initial sprouts a short leaf scroll. In addition there are very beautiful decorated initials placed at the beginning of the various books of the Consolatione (f. 8, 17, 30 and 41). Their style indicates that the manuscript was made in northern Italy, perhaps Bologna.
Online Since: 12/12/2019
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (Author) Found in: Standard description
The Edelstein contained in this manuscript consists of 100 fables, composed around 1330 by the Bernese Dominican Ulrich Boner; the fables were taken from various Latin sources and were translated by Boner into Swiss Dialect. The script and the typical characteristics of the layout with spaces for never-executed illustrations indicate a work from the late phase (approximately about 1455-1460) of Diebold Lauber's workshop in Hagenau in Alsace, a work that had been prepared to be completed at the request of a buyer.
Online Since: 12/13/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Boner, Ulrich (Author) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) | Lauber, Diebold (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
This copy of Cesar's "Commentarii" from about 1480 attests to the great popularity this text attained during the early Renaissance (there are more than 240 surviving manuscripts of the "Commentarii" from the 15th century). This manuscript was produced in the atelier of the illuminator Cola Rapicano in Naples. The "bianchi girari" (white vine) book decoration and the illuminated initial capitals which mark the beginning of each book are of a type often found in codices containing humanistic works. The illuminated initial capital on fol. 1r, on the other hand, portrays the Roman ruler in an unusual way, as an armored horseman.
Online Since: 03/25/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Caesar, Gaius Iulius (Author) | Murray, Charles Fairfax (Former possessor) | Perrins, Charles William Dyson (Former possessor) | Rubicano, Cola (Illuminator) Found in: Standard description
This elegant codex, written in humanistic script, was commissioned by Pope Leo X († 1521). The Medici coat of arms can be found in the middle of the original binding's cover, in a rich frieze on the frontispiece, and in the initials on f. 3v and f. 134v. The decoration is attributed to the famous Florentine illuminator Attavante degli Attavanti († 1525) or his circle. This codex is from the collection of Major J.R. Abbey.
Online Since: 03/22/2017
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Abbey, John R. (Former possessor) | Attavanti, Attavante (Illuminator) | Bernard Quaritch Ltd. (London) (Seller) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius (Author) | Firmin-Didot, Ambroise (Former possessor) | Gentili, Antonio Saverio (Former possessor) | Henry Yates Thompson (Former possessor) | Leo X., Papst (Patron) | Libri, Guillaume (Former possessor) | Sidonius, Gaius Sollius Apollinaris (Author) Found in: Standard description
The Carmina by Catullus contained in this codex was written in a humanistic cursive, attributed to the calligrapher Ludovico Regio di Imola. The frontispiece in grisaille with gold highlights is framed by motifs in the manner of antiquity with trophies, sphinxes and mascarons, while the title in gold letters stands out from the crimson background. At the bottom of the page, the coat of arms on a disc held by two putti is overlaid in the same crimson color.
Online Since: 12/13/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Catullus, Gaius Valerius (Author) | Cockerell, Sydney Carlyle (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, the "Father of English Poetry", have been preserved in 82 medieval manuscripts and four incunabula editions. The copy in CB 48 was made in the 15th century by a single scribe. The manuscript is still in its original binding of suede deerskin stretched over wooden covers.
Online Since: 12/09/2008
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Chaucer, Geoffrey (Author) | Heber, Richard (Former possessor) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Thorpe, Thomas (Seller) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, commissioned by the bibliophile Antoine of Bourgogne in 1460, contains the Epître d'Othea by Christine de Pisan, decorated with about a hundred masterful miniatures (a complete pictorial cycle). One of these contains the dedication of the work and shows four figures, identifiable as Philip the Good, Charles the Brave, and two of Philip's illegitimate sons, David and Anthony of Burgundy.
Online Since: 07/25/2006
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Bourgogne, Antoine de (Patron) | Christine, de Pisan (Author) Found in: Standard description
This codex contains De senectute, De amicitia, the Paradoxa ad Brutum by Cicero, the Synonyma by Pseudo-Cicero, and the anonymous treatise De punctorum ordine. It was created in Italy in a humanistic script from the second half of the 15th century. The frontispiece and the intials introducing the various texts are decorated with “bianchi girari;“ on f. 1r the coat of arms with the golden lion rampant on a red background, framed by a laurel wreath, could not be identified.
Online Since: 12/13/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Johannes, Tortellius (Author) | Maggs Bros. Ltd. (Seller) | Schennis, Friedrich von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript contains Cicero's speeches, which were copied out in a humanistic script of the 15th century. The book decoration consists of initials with „bianchi girari“ (white vine-stem) on colored background which introduce the various texts, and a frontispiece, the decoration of which extends across the entire page f. 1r. At the center of the bottom margin, surrounded by a laurel wreath, the coat of arms of the Medici family of Florence stands out, covering an even older coat of arms. The manuscript belonged to Cardinal Giovanni Salviati (1490-1553) from Florence and then to the Venetian monk and later manuscript dealer Luigi Celotti (1768-1848).
Online Since: 12/13/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Celotti, Luigi (Former possessor) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Maggs Bros. Ltd. (Seller) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Salviati, Giovanni (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
While Cicero is regarded today mainly as a philosopher and politician, he was regarded during the middle ages mainly as a teacher of public rhetoric. This is demonstrated by CB 52, most likely of French origin, which consists of copies of "De inventione" and a work long attributed to Cicero, "Rhetorica ad Herennium". The manuscript dates from the beginning of the 12th century.
Online Since: 03/25/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) | Varenne de Fenille, Philibert C. (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This French translation of the story of Alexander, destined to belong to Charles the Bold, was commissioned by Vasco da Lucena, "the Portugese", a retainer of the Infanta Isabella, who was married to Philip the Good. This revival of the work by Quintus Curtius Rufus, which is augmented by texts from Plutarch, Valerius Maximus, Aulus Gellius and Justin, allows the author to liberate the Macedonian conqueror from legends perpetuated by the medieval tradition. The Miroir des princes portrays a model of a hero shaped within the framework of the humanistic movement initiated by the dukes of Burgundy in the late middle ages. CB 53 was copied in Burgundy and may be fairly accurately dated only a few years after the translation was made; it was decorated with miniatures in the artistic circle of the Master of Marguerite of York (ca. 1470-1475).
Online Since: 12/21/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Curtius Rufus, Quintus (Author) | Lucena, Vasco de (Translator) | Plutarchus (Author) Found in: Standard description
The first part (4r-121r) of this paper manuscript contains a series of alliances made by the (Swiss) confederates, and the second part (130r-290r) contains the burgage (“Burgrecht”) alliances and contracts of the city of Bern. In the last part (300v-336r), the texts of alliances made in the 16th and 17th century by the confederates or by the individual cantons with Venice, Savoy and France were added at a later time and by a different scribe. Based on the kind of paper as well as on the script, this manuscript seems to have been produced around 1616 in Bern or in a territory under Bernese rule. The inside front cover holds the bookplate Baggrave Library, perhaps the library of the country house Baggrave Hall (Leicestershire), seat of the Burnaby family, including John Burnaby (1701-74), the English ambassador in Bern (1743-49). In 1970, the manuscript was purchased by Martin Bodmer.
Online Since: 10/10/2019
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Cysat, Renward (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript from the 14th century unites four disquisitions on medicine. The rounded Gothic script is the product of several different hands and the principal incipits are set off with Gothic capitals elaborately decorated with penwork filigree. At the end of the manuscript is an assortment of formulas for medical preparations.
Online Since: 06/02/2010
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Celotti, Luigi (Former possessor) | Dioscorides, Pedanius (Author) | Galenus (Author) | Gualterus, Agulinus (Author) | Hippocrates (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Richardus, de Wendover (Author) | Rogerus, de Parma (Author) Found in: Standard description
Manuscript CB 59 brings together in one contemporaneous binding three manuscripts that were produced independently of one another. All three show the influence of Alemannic dialect and all three were produced at the end of the 15th entury. They offer a selection of sermons in written form, originally composed by Meister Eckhart or others in the circle of the Rheinish Master of mysticism. The first part could have been completed in an atelier in Constance or Ravensburg, it belonged to the Carthusian House of Buxheim. Threads, meant to serve as bookmarks, may be found sewn into the paper leaves.
Online Since: 12/21/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Eckhart, Meister (Author) | Franke, Johannes (Author) | Hinterberger, Heinrich (Seller) | Johannes, de Sterngassen (Author) | Johannes, von Nördlingen (Author) | Langer, Eduard (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
The Sachenspiegel by Eike von Repgow is one of the oldest books of law in the German language. This parchment manuscript, CB 61, was produced at the beginning of the 15th century and contains codes of common and feudal law.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Eike, von Repgow (Author) Found in: Standard description
This paper manuscript from the second half of the 14th century contains Gregorius by Hartman von Aue, Marienleich by Frauenlob, and the Rossarzneibuch (Horse Medicine) by Meister Albrant.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Albrant, der Meister (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Eszterházy, Károly (Former possessor) | Hartmann, von Aue (Author) | Heinrich, von Meissen (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, probably of French origin, contains Eusebius of Caesarea's Historia ecclesiastica in the translation of Rufinus, as well as Books I-II of Rufinus' continuation thereof.
Online Since: 03/22/2017
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Eusebius, Caesariensis (Author) | Gennadius, Massiliensis (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Rufinus, Aquileiensis (Author) | Rufinus, Aquileiensis (Translator) Found in: Standard description
At the beginning of the 17th century, a book of black magic was published, attributed to the mythical Faust and known by the title Höllenzwang. The library in Weimar owned a manuscript of this text, which Goethe was aware of. In 1949 Martin Bodmer was able to purchase a similar manuscript. This document, which is difficult to date, is written in cabalistic signs and, according to a German gloss, contains a series of magic spells for exorcists, which can be used in particular to call up the seven evil spirits.
Online Since: 12/17/2015
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor)
This 13th century manuscript offers a selection of texts from the legend-filled history of Great Britain: the knightly romance "Gui de Warewic" (Guy of Warwick) and the Anglo-Norman rhyming chronicle the "Roman de Brut" (History of the Britons) by Wace, which recounts the conquest of the British Isles by a great grandson of Aeneas, the returned hero of Troy. A translation of the "Prophéties de Merlin" (Prophesies of Merlin) by Helias follows. The volume closes with "Florence de Rome", a text that may be characterized as half "chanson de geste" and half adventure romance.
Online Since: 03/25/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Galfredus, Monumetensis (Author) | Maggs Bros. Ltd. (Seller) | Wace (Author) Found in: Standard description
Carolingian reform efforts responded to a desire to regularize religious orders by creating a unified rule for monastic life, the Concordia regularum of Benedict of Aniane. In the resulting course of events, an effort was made during the turn from the 9th to the 10th century to dinstinguish the monastic status from the canonical. In 816 Ludwig the Pious made the results of the Council of Aix public; the first part of the Institutio canonicorum presents the statutes of the church fathers and the previous councils, the second part explains the resolutions of the council. The task of putting this work into writing was long attributed to Amalarius of Metz, a student of Alcuin and advisor of Charlemagne; however, another author must be acknowledged for this work, which totals 118 chapters, some of which are extremely comprehensive: Benedict of Aniane is also supposed to have been a contributor. The manuscript held by the Fondation Martin Bodmer was copied only a few years after the original publication of the text (in the first half of the 9th century) in a very fine Carolingian script, and it belonged to the Benedictine Abbey of St. Jacob in Mainz. A full-page drawing portraying the crucifixion was added in the 12th or 13th century at the end of the book.
Online Since: 12/21/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Amalarius, Metensis (Author) | Beatty, Alfred Chester (Former possessor) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Ess, Leander van (Former possessor) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript of English origin contains the Historia regum Britannie by Geoffrey of Monmouth (ca. 1100-1154). At the end of the text (114v), the writer transcribed some annotations regarding the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy, a note about Edward I, King of England, and about the defeat Edward II suffered at Bannockburn.
Online Since: 03/22/2017
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Fludd, Robert (Former possessor) | Galfredus, Monumetensis (Author) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) Found in: Standard description
The Roman de Fauvel is a French poem in verse, written in the 14th century by various authors, among them the cleric Gervais du Bus. It has survived in no more than 15 manuscripts. With the metaphor of a donkey that becomes its owner's lord, the poem presents a critique of the corruption of the church and of the political system. The manuscript is written in a bastarda script; the decoration remains incomplete.
Online Since: 03/22/2017
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Gevais du Bus (Author) Found in: Standard description
The so called "Kalocsa-Kodex" contains more than two hundred texts from the time between the and of the 12th century and the beginning of the 14th centuries. It is a wide-ranging written record of German lyric poetry in the middle ages. In its approximately 330 parchment leaves, it preserves poetry by Walter von der Vogelweide, Konrad von Würzburg, Hartman von Aue, Reinmar von Zweter, and the Stricker as well as texts in the tradition of "Fuchsdictung" (Fox Tales) and a series of anonymous works. CB 72 is closely related to another manuscript written in the same hand, a partial copy of the same material, which is held by the University Library of Heidelberg (Cod. Pal. Germ. 341).
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Heinrich, von Freiberg (Author) | Konrad, von Haslau (Author) | Konrad, von Würzburg (Author) | Reinmar, von Zweter (Author) | Stricker, Der (Author) | Walther, von der Vogelweide (Author) | Zwingauer, Der (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript contains the German version of the Gesta Romanorum, a collection of anecdotes and tales originally in Latin that were compiled around the end of the 13th or the beginning of the 14th century. It was very popular throughout the entire Middle Ages and was published repeatedly. This codex was written 1461 (f. 150vb) in Bavaria.
Online Since: 03/22/2017
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Donatus, Aelius (Author) | Görres, Joseph von (Former possessor) | Hinterberger, Heinrich (Seller) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) | Langer, Eduard (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This Gradual was produced in 1071 by the archpresbyter of the Church of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere; it contains the musical scores for assorted liturgical songs. These melodies set down in written form make CB 74 the oldest record of Roman song.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Gentili, Antonio Saverio (Former possessor) | Payne and Foss (Seller) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) | T. & W. Boone (Seller) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Gentili, Antonio Saverio (Former possessor) | Payne and Foss (Seller) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) | T. & W. Boone (Seller) Found in: Additional description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Gentili, Antonio Saverio (Former possessor) | Payne and Foss (Seller) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) | T. & W. Boone (Seller) Found in: Additional description
This manuscript containing legal materials from the 13th or early 14th century demonstrates the high regard in which the "Decretum Gratiani", often considered the foundation of modern canon law, was held during the middle ages. The text is bordered by the "Glossa Ordinaria" of Johannes Teutonicus, in the first revision by Barthomeus of Brescia (before 1245). The manuscript features numerous ornately illustrated initials.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bartholomaeus, Brixiensis (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Gratianus, de Clusio (Author) | Johannes, Teutonicus (Author) Found in: Standard description
This codex from Italy contains Gregory the Great's Homiliae in Ezechielem. The anathema Quicumque eum vendiderit vel alienaverit vel hanc scripturam raserit anathema sit is on f. 1r, as well as a partially erased ex libris that mentions a Convent of St. Agnes. The codex was purchased by Martin Bodmer in 1962; earlier perhaps it belonged to the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice and then to Abbot Celotti, to the library of Thomas Phillips, and to Sir Sydney Cocherell.
Online Since: 03/22/2017
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Celotti, Luigi (Former possessor) | Cockerell, Sydney Carlyle (Former possessor) | Duschnes, Philip C. (Seller) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Payne and Foss (Seller) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Thorpe, Thomas (Seller) Found in: Standard description
This 12th century manuscript from central Italy contains works of music theory by three Latin authors. Among these is Guido Aretinus, a Tuscan monk of the 10th century who is regarded as the inventor of solmisation. Some passages of text in the codex are based on the Institutio musica by Boethius.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Guido, Aretinus (Author) | Odo, Cluniacensis (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) Found in: Standard description
This 14th century parchment manuscript preserves the "Historia destructionis Troiae" by Guido de Columnis for posterity. Its 187 miniatures crafted by Giustino da Forlì portray the most important scenes of the Trojan War against a background of the Gothic architecture of Venice. The margins of the manuscript reveal written traces of the collaborative efforts of the copyist and the illuminator: the scribe made notes in Venetian dialect indicating the plan for incorporating a series of miniature illustrations, which were then duly added by the illuminator.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bernard Quaritch Ltd. (London) (Seller) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Giustino, di Gherardino (Illuminator) | Guido, de Columnis (Author) | Henry Yates Thompson (Former possessor) | Hoepli, Ulrico (Seller) Found in: Standard description
Guillaume de Loris and Jean de Meung (Meun) are the authors of the Roman de la Rose, one of the masterpieces of medieval courtly literature. In a phantasmagoric and allegorical setting, the lover seeks entry to a locked garden which conceals a rose, the image of his beloved. The second part, written by Jean de Meung, provides a philosophical and moral lesson. This manuscript, written on parchment in the 14th century, contains many golden and gold-accented illustrations and borders as well as initials with blue and red extensions.
Online Since: 06/02/2010
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Guillaume, de Lorris (Author) | Jean, de Meung (Author) | Suchtelen, Johann Peter von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Guillaume, de Lorris (Author) | Jean, de Meung (Author) | Suchtelen, Johann Peter von (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Guillaume, de Lorris (Author) | Jean, de Meung (Author) | Suchtelen, Johann Peter von (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
Manuscript in three parts. The first part (f. 1r-20v) contains the oldest version of Gunzo's Epistola ad Augienses and can be dated to the 10th century. The second part (f. 21r-27v) probably is the original core of the codex, to which the other two pieces were added; it contains the autograph of Lambert of Hersfeld's Vita s. Lulli episcopi Moguntini and dates to the 11th century. The third part (f. 28r-43v) is from the 13th century and contains the transcripts of the Constitutiones of the Fourth Council of the Lateran (1215). This codex is from the Benedictine Tegernsee Abbey (the first part is mentioned in the monastery's library catalog); later it became part of the collection of the Princes of Oettingen-Wallerstein and in 1948 the antiquarian book dealers Rosenthal sold it to Martin Bodmer. The old guard-leaves are fragments of a liturgical manuscript from the Diocese of Freising.
Online Since: 03/22/2017
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Gunzo, Novariensis (Author) | Jacques Rosenthal (München) (Seller) | Lambertus, Hersfeldensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Gunzo, Novariensis (Author) | Jacques Rosenthal (München) (Seller) | Lambertus, Hersfeldensis (Author) Found in: Additional description
This Hebrew manuscript from the 15th century combines liturgical texts and contains commentaries on the rites that provide the framework for the observation of the Passover. This Pesach Haggadah, adorned with miniatures and rich illustrations, contains the complete liturgical version of the Exodus story. The first part of the manuscript contains the text of the Italian rite, the second part that of the Ashkenazi. The manuscript was written and illuminated by Joël ben Siméon, who signed his work with a colophon (f. 34r): I am Joel ben Simeon, called Veibusch Ashkenazi – blessed be his memory – and I am from Cologne, which is on the banks of the Rhine.
Online Since: 04/23/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Murray, Charles Fairfax (Former possessor) | Perrins, Charles William Dyson (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Carefully copied by a single scribe at the end of the 13th century in England, this manuscript was given to Sir Thomas Phillipps by Sir Robert Benson (1797-1844). Benson claimed it had belonged to Wilton Abbey, in Wiltshire, where its readership would have been noble women and nuns. Bound by Phillipps, the Lai d'Haveloc was placed first and its title appeared on the spine. The Donnei des amants, a unica, is a scholarly debate between two lovers who exchange exempla : The Tristan Rossignol, Didon, the Lai de l'oiselet, and L'Homme et le Serpent.
Online Since: 12/13/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Benson, Robert (Former possessor) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Raoul, de Houdenc (Author) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) Found in: Standard description
This 14th century codex is one of seven surviving manuscripts that preserve in its entirety the Eneasroman (Romance of Aeneas) by Heinrich von Veldeke, one of the most important pioneers of Middle High German poetry. This work by Veldeke is the first courtly romance written in Middle High German and is an adaptation of the Old French Roman d'Eneas, originally written in about 1160.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Heinrich, von Veldeke (Author) Found in: Standard description
This Carolingian manuscript from the period before 850 comes from the Cloister of Fulda. It contains the sole extant copy of the Latin version of a text falsely attributed to Hippocrates: "De victus ratione", which sets forth the foundations of dietetics and emphasizes the antagonism between the elements of fire and water within the body. Numerous scholars and physicians have relied on this text throughout history.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Debure, Guillaume (Seller) | Hippocrates (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Debure, Guillaume (Seller) | Hippocrates (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
The Ilias Latina, copied on paper during the 14th century, is a Latin adaptation of the great epic by Homer, one of the foundational texts of ancient Greece. It was written in Gothic quasi-cursive script by a single scribe in the region of Naples in Italy. One should take note of some of the decorated initials, some of which incorporate figures, especially that of a muse, clad in a dress covered with stars and holding a sword in her hand.
Online Since: 06/02/2010
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Longman, Thomas Norton (Seller) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
The Ilias latina was frequently copied during the entire occidental middle ages, which enjoyed access to material about the Trojans via Latin adaptations. Today these manuscripts number about one hundred. The date and location of Codex Bodmer 87 can be ascertained with the help of the inscription: "Aretii die 15 Iuli 1469" (Arezzo, July 15, 1469, fol. 22). The humanistic script, a somewhat angular cursive, is the hand of a single scribe.
Online Since: 06/02/2010
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bernard Quaritch Ltd. (London) (Seller) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Homerus (Author) | Lewis, Charles (Bookbinder) | Lyell, James P. R. (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bernard Quaritch Ltd. (London) (Seller) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Homerus (Author) | Lewis, Charles (Bookbinder) | Lyell, James P. R. (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
Manuscript CB 88, which combines the Odes, the Epodes, and the Carmen saeculare, a piece interpreted by children's choirs of the Roman nobility during secular performances, is an unusual example of a Horace manuscript from the turn of the 10th to the 11th century. Its many marginal and interlinear glosses, which frequently consist of scholii by Pseudo-Acro, explain the verses and praise their metrical accuracy and verbal virtuosity. The alphabetical tables and the title were added in the 14th century at the end of the volume.
Online Since: 12/21/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Acro, Helenius (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Diomedes, Grammaticus (Author) | Horatius Flaccus, Quintus (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
The countless marginal and interlinear glosses in CB 89 are evidence of the rediscovery of the works of Horace during the 12th century. This copy was produced in France.
Online Since: 03/25/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Caecilius, Balbus (Author) | Horatius Flaccus, Quintus (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) Found in: Standard description
Many scribes contributed to the copies of the works of Horace, Virgil, Persius and Statius that have been brought together in CB 90. These humanistic re-copyings made in the 15th century demonstrate the reception of Latin authors in Renaissance Italy. Two leaves at the end of the manuscript are palimpsests: a letter from Ovid's Heroides (from Sappho to Phaon) and an extract from the Epigrams of Martial have been were written over the text of the biblical book of Tobit.
Online Since: 12/21/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Allen, Henry Ellis (Former possessor) | Aurispa, Giovanni (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Ennius, Quintus (Author) | Gargilius Martialis, Quintus (Author) | Germanicus, Julius Caesar (Author) | Horatius Flaccus, Quintus (Author) | Lucretius Carus, Titus (Author) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) | Persius Flaccus, Aulus (Author) | Statius, Publius Papinius (Author) | Vergilius Maro, Publius (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript from the southern Tyrol was produced by two scribes in the year 1468 and bound as one volume during the same period. It brings together the didactic work Der Renner (The Runner or Courier) by Hugo von Trimberg and the Alexanderroman (Romance of Alexander) following a compilation by Johann Hartlieb. The codex contains 91 pen sketches. Instructions for the execution of these sketches can be found in the lower margins of the pages on which they appear.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Hartlieb, Johannes (Author) | Hugo, von Trimberg (Author) | Rosenthal, Erwin (Seller) | Rosenthal, Jacques (Seller) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Hartlieb, Johannes (Author) | Hugo, von Trimberg (Author) | Rosenthal, Erwin (Seller) | Rosenthal, Jacques (Seller) Found in: Additional description
The first three books of the principal work of the Bishop of Seville, the Etymologiae, written at the beginning of the 7th century, provide the earliest medieval instance of division of scholarly study into the trivium (grammar, rhetoric and dialectic) and the quadrivium (mathematics, geometry, music and astronomy). Relying heavily on the--often unreliable--etymologies of the words, Isidore collected in his work the whole of ancient knowledge, in order to prevent it from being forgotten. This manuscript was produced about the end of the 13th century, possibly in the area of the University at Paris and is a witness to the enormous success of this extensive encyclopedia.
Online Since: 12/21/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bernardus, Bottonius (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Braulio, Caesaraugustanus (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
This parchment manuscript from the time around 1400 contains a work by the Dominican sermonist Jacques de Cessoles, using the game of chess as the allegorical basis for a lesson in morals. The same theme is carried out in 16 accompanying illustrations as well.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Jacobus, de Cessolis (Author) | Jean, Ferron (Author) | Jean, Ferron (Translator) | La Vallière, Louis César de LaBaume LeBlanc de (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This generously illuminated manuscript in two volumes was made at the beginning of the 15th century and contains Guiron le Courtois, a romance about the fathers of the knights of the round table written around the year 1235. The various tales are presented here in an order unique to the to the CB 96 manuscript.
Online Since: 03/25/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Evans, Robert Harding (Seller) | Galfredus, Monumetensis (Author) | Heber, Richard (Former possessor) | La Vallière, Louis César de LaBaume LeBlanc de (Former possessor) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This generously illuminated manuscript in two volumes was made at the beginning of the 15th century and contains Guiron le Courtois, a romance about the fathers of the knights of the round table written around the year 1235. The various tales are presented here in an order unique to the CB 96 manuscript.
Online Since: 03/25/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Evans, Robert Harding (Seller) | Heber, Richard (Former possessor) | La Vallière, Louis César de LaBaume LeBlanc de (Former possessor) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This 13th century manuscript is from Italy and contains the first four books of the work De fide orthodoxa, written in Greek by John of Damascus. As the title (f. 1r) indicates, this text was translated into Latin at the request of Pope Eugene III (1145-1153) by the jurist and prolific translator Burgundio of Pisa. Numerous marginal glosses, for the most part contemporaneous with the creation of this copy of the manuscript, are sprinkled throughout the text.
Online Since: 09/26/2017
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Burgundius, Pisanus (Translator) | Goldschmidt, Ernst P. (Seller) | Johannes, Damascenus (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript contains a Latin translation in pre-Carolingian script of the "Antiquitates Judaicae", originally written in Greek by the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus in the first century. CB 98 was produced in the Benedictine abbey of San Silvestro di Nonantola (Province of Modena), as was Ms. CB 99, which also contains texts by Flavius Josephus.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Josephus, Flavius (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) | Rufinus, Aquileiensis (Translator) Found in: Standard description
This codex contains the Jewish War, originally written by the historian Flavius Josephus in the 1st century. The 7 books of De bello Judaico present an account of the Jewish rebellion from the year 66 until the overthrow of Masada in the year 73. CB 99, like Ms. CB 98, was produced in the Benedictine abbey of San Silvestro di Nonantola (Province of Modena), though later than CB 98 and by different scribes.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Josephus, Flavius (Author) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) | Rufinus, Aquileiensis (Translator) Found in: Standard description
This 14th century Italian manuscript, probably from Bologna, contains the Digestum Vetus, a fundamental work which attests to the 14th century's interest in the history of Roman law. It comprises various reference texts, which are systematically accompanied by the Glossa ordinaria, the so-called "Magna glossa" by Franciscus Accursius, an interlinear gloss and the gloss of the Gloss, which are works of explanation and instruction for the use of the text. Many manicules or fists (lat manicula, ae: small hands) testify to the assiduous labor which a large number of readers have performed on this dry text. This manuscript contains numerous pecia marks. A detached page (f. 37bis) contains a poem to the reader by the Italian jurist Angelus Boncambius (about 1450).
Online Since: 04/23/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Accursius, Franciscus Senior (Author) | Accursius, Franciscus Senior (Commentator) | Angelus Boncambius (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) Found in: Standard description
Contains Juvenal's Satires (I-XVI) with glosses which are probably from the commentary by Pseudo-Cornutus. Glued onto both inside covers are fragments from a 14th-century manuscript written in Dutch which contain part of the poetic work Martijn by Jacob van Maerlant, one of the greatest Flemish poets of the Middle Ages.
Online Since: 04/23/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Cornutus (Author) | Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius (Author) | Jacob, van Maerlant (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) | Thorpe, Thomas (Seller) Found in: Standard description
The two originally independent parts of this manuscript were bound together probably in the last third of the 15th century (after 1469, cf. Index p. Iv). The first part, written in a single column (pp. 1r-272), contains the Buch der Natur (Prologfassung) by Conrad of Megenberg. This part of the manuscript features marginal corrections and glosses (especially for medically relevant parts of the text), which may be by the original owner of the manuscript (Hayer 1998, p. 162). Especially parts I, III, IV, and V of the Buch der Natur contain marginal notes and interlinear glosses in a 15th century hand which reworks the natural history texts allegorically for preaching. Numerous smaller and larger marginal illustrations. The second part, written in two columns (pp. 274ra-307rb) contains a medical compendium in six parts (childhood illnesses – illnesses due to the imbalance of the humores – diseases of the eyes – the plague, skin diseases, fever – surgery and wound care – venereal diseases, bone injuries, burns), Latin and German recipes and prescriptions, as well as a German table of contents. On p. 284ra is a drawing of surgical instruments. Formerly privately owned by the antiquarian Hans P. Kraus, New York, Nr. 1958/13; prior to that Maihingen, Fürstl. Öttingen-Wallersteinsche Bibl., Cod. III.1.2° 3.
Online Since: 04/09/2014
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Avicenna (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Conradus, de Megenberg (Author) | Denenat, Johannes (Author) | Karl und Faber Kunst- und Literaturantiquariat (Seller) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript contains works by Lactantius, written in an Italian humanistic script in the second half of the 15th century. The book decoration consists of numerous initials with bianchi girari (white vine scroll), with side borders and with a frontispiece decorated along three sides with bianchi girari and with naturalistic elements: birds, butterflies and a donkey. In the bottom margin, two putti hold a laurel wreath surrounding the coat of arms of the person who commissioned the work, a member of the Aragonese royal family of Naples, probably Ferdinand I, King of Naples (1458-1494). An old signature confirms that the manuscript is from the library of the Aragonese Kings of Naples.
Online Since: 04/23/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Beatty, Alfred Chester (Former possessor) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus (Author) Found in: Standard description
This 15th century paper manuscript in four volumes brings together the prose texts Lancelot Propre, La Queste del saint Graal, and La Mort le roi Artu. The first volume contains 42 aquarelle tinted pen drawings, the fourth volume features two full-page illustrations on inserted parchment leaves.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Graux, Lucien (Former possessor) | Le Peley, Guyot (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This 15th century paper manuscript in four volumes brings together the prose texts Lancelot Propre, La Queste del saint Graal, and La Mort le roi Artu. The first volume contains 42 aquarelle tinted pen drawings, the fourth volume features two full-page illustrations on inserted parchment leaves.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Graux, Lucien (Former possessor) | Le Peley, Guyot (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This 15th century paper manuscript in four volumes brings together the prose texts Lancelot Propre, La Queste del saint Graal, and La Mort le roi Artu. The first volume contains 42 aquarelle tinted pen drawings, the fourth volume features two full-page illustrations on inserted parchment leaves.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Graux, Lucien (Former possessor) | Le Peley, Guyot (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This 15th century paper manuscript in four volumes brings together the prose texts Lancelot Propre, La Queste del saint Graal, and La Mort le roi Artu. The first volume contains 42 aquarelle tinted pen drawings, the fourth volume features two full-page illustrations on inserted parchment leaves.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Graux, Lucien (Former possessor) | Le Peley, Guyot (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Two contiguous fragments from the same leaf, which used to be part of a luxury-lectionary of the New Testament, probably copied in Constantinople in the 11th century. The two pieces were later also used for numerous clumsy drawings, graffiti and arithmetic exercises.
Online Since: 12/17/2015
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
A legal manuscript, probably incomplete, which contains an extensive collection of texts. Among the most important are four laws, the Lex Salica, Lex Ribuaria, Lex Alamannorum and Lex Baiuvariorum; a short and fragmentary collection of capitularies issued by Charlemagne; excerpts from De legibus, from Isidore of Seville's Sententiae, from the Codex Theodosianum and from the Rule of Saint Benedict. The text of the Lex Baiuvariorum also contains legal terms in Old High German. In 1789 the codex was acquired by Count Johann-Christian Solms, who resided in Klitschdorf Castle near Bunzlau (Silesia) - his coat of arms can be found on f. 1r - which is why the codex is known in the literature as the "Codex Klitschdorf" or "Codex Solmsianus.” In 1960 Martin Bodmer purchased this codex from the New York antiquarian book dealer H. P. Kraus.
Online Since: 06/25/2015
- Benedictus, de Nursia (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Karl I, Römisch-Deutsches Reich, Kaiser (Author) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Benedictus, de Nursia (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Karl I, Römisch-Deutsches Reich, Kaiser (Author) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) Found in: Additional description
This text by Lucan is accompanied by marginal and interlinear glosses in various hands, which are partly contemporaneous, partly later; the most recent in an Italian hand that can be dated to the 14th/15th century. In the margin of f. 69v is a simple drawing of the mappa mundi. At least until the end of the 18th century, the manuscript belonged to the Carmelites of S. Paolo in Ferrara.
Online Since: 04/09/2014
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Arnulfus, Aurelianensis (Commentator) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Libri, Guillaume (Former possessor) | Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) Found in: Standard description
Raimundus Lullus, who established Catalan as a literary and scholarly language, was born in Majorca, where Christian, Muslim and Jewish cultures are mingled. Manuscript CB 109, produced by several different copyists in the 14th century, collects philosophical and theological works by Catalonian thinkers. It is decorated with pictures and diagrams.
Online Since: 12/21/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Hoepli, Ulrico (Seller) | Lullus, Raimundus (Author) Found in: Standard description
This 10th century parchment manuscript contains a commentary on the Somnium Scipionis by Macrobius, followed by excerpts from the Naturalis historia of Pliny the Elder and from De institutione musica by Boethius. The codex also includes diagrams which portray, for example, the Earth and the constellations.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (Author) | Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius (Author) | Plinius Secundus, Gaius (Author) Found in: Standard description
CB 113 is a copy of a manuscript from the Bibliothèque nationale de France and contains a collection of fables in the Æsopian tradition written by Marie de France in the 12th century. Marie de France, author of the famous Lais, augmented the 101 fables with six "fabliaux". The erotic passages of the fabliaux have been erased from this manuscript.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Guillaume (Author) | Marie, de France (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, written in a humanistic script, contains the Epigrammata by Martial (ca. 40- ca. 102) in twelve books, followed by the usual two concluding texts, Xenia and Apophoreta. The first leaf of the manuscript is missing. Several epigrams were added, probably at the same time period, but by a hand different from that of the principal scribe (41v, 105v, 132r, 133v, 136v). In the absence of a title page, the decoration is limited to a series of initials, created by two different artists; one with bianchi girari, the other with interlace on a background of gold, sometimes referred to as “a cappio annodato.“ Each epigram begins with a simple initial in blue. Produced in Northern Italy in the middle of the 15th century, the manuscript was verifiably in France since the 18th century, in the hands of the Jarente de Sénas family; later it was owned by Ambroise Firmin-Didot. During the 19th century, ownership changed several times before the manuscript became part of the collection of Martin Bodmer.
Online Since: 03/22/2018
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Firmin-Didot, Ambroise (Former possessor) | Gargilius Martialis, Quintus (Author) Found in: Standard description
Of all the 19 surviving manuscripts and fragments containing the Prophesies de Merlin, only CB 116 transmits the entire text. The manuscript thus clarifies which episodes from the Arthurian tales comprise the complete body of the work.
Online Since: 03/25/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Maggs Bros. Ltd. (Seller) Found in: Standard description
The approximately 40 surviving manuscripts of the Nibelungenlied attest to the important position held by this text during the middle ages. The copy in CB 117 (the "Maihingen manuscript") was produced in the 15th century by three different scribes. The first five adventures have been abridged by the removal of about 100 supplementary strophes. The "Lament of the Niebelungen", which recounts the mourning of heroes who died in battle, forms the closing section of the manuscript.
Online Since: 03/25/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Karl, Georg (Seller) Found in: Standard description
The two texts brought together in this manuscript, De rebus bellicis (ff. 5r-17v) and Notitia dignitatum (ff. 19r-94r), date back to antiquity. The first work presents war machines used by the Roman army, while the second text depicts the late Roman military organization in both the Western and Eastern Empires. From the outset, that is between the end of the 4th and the beginning of the 5th century, these texts were designed with illustrations, the oldest known copy of which, dating back to the end of the 9th and the beginning of the 10th century, was held in the library of Speyer Cathedral (today only a single leaf remains of that copy). The Speyer copy was borrowed by Cardinal Pietro Donato in 1436, when he was at the Council of Basel, where at least two copies were made and illuminated by Péronet Lamy (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ms. Canon. Misc. 378; Paris, BnF, lat. 9661). The Fondation Bodmer's manuscript is a more recent copy of these, made less than a century later. It may have been used for the edition of these two texts (including the images), which was undertaken by Sigismundus Gelenius and published in 1552 by Froben in Basel.
Online Since: 12/10/2020
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Douce, Francis (Former possessor) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript contains the transcription of a series of documents that relate directly or indirectly to the bailiwick of Neuamt in the Canton of Zurich. The manuscript consists of three parts – one of parchment (ff. 1-27) and two of paper (ff. 28-39 and 40-47) – which were bound together probably in 1548, as indicated by the date printed on the front cover. The texts collected here are from the period between 1538 and 1604 (additions), with the exception of one document from 1461 (ff. 36-38v).
Online Since: 10/04/2018
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, which was copied in Norman Sicily, contains Origen's Commentary on the Song of Songs in the version translated from Greek into Latin by Rufinus of Aquileia (about 345-about 411). The text comprises the first four of the ten books of which Origen's original text must have consisted. It is preceded by a prologue by Jerome and is followed by short prayer by Gregory of Nazianzus, also translated into Latin by Rufinus of Aquileia. Origen's commentary, which presents Christ as the bridegroom and the Church, or also the individual soul, as the bride, influenced spiritual interpretations of the Song of Songs for centuries.
Online Since: 09/26/2017
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Breslauer, Martin (Seller) | Gregorius, Nazianzenus (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Origenes (Author) | Rufinus, Aquileiensis (Translator) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript was written on paper in Northern Italy. It contains two ancient historical texts that were copied independently of one another: the Epitome of Roman History by Florus and the History Against the Pagans by Paulus Orosius. These texts enjoyed great success during the entire Middle Ages and would be found in any library of even minor importance. According to the 15th century ex-libris (f. 147r), this copy was the property of the Abbey of the Augustinian Hermits of San Pier d'Arena near Genoa.
Online Since: 10/04/2018
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Florus, Lucius Annaeus (Author) | Oakeshott, Walter Fraser (Former possessor) | Orosius, Paulus (Author) | Powell, Roger (Bookbinder) Found in: Standard description
This early 14th century manuscript was copied in Italy; it brings together Ovid's Ars amatoria (The Art of Love), two books of Priscian's grammar, excerpts from the Secretum secretorum, an incomplete book on physiognomy by an unknown author, as well as a series of hymns attributed to, among others, Gregory the Great, St. Ambrose or Sedulius. The manuscript, which is missing two leaves at the beginning, shows old signs of use, with commentaries and maniculae added in the margins. This copy has no decoration with the exception of several red and mauve pen-flourish initials, highlighted in gold and framed.
Online Since: 10/04/2018
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Ambrosianus (Author) | Ambrosius, Mediolanensis (Author) | Aristoteles (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Damasus I, Papa (Author) | Elpis, Sicula (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Odo, Cluniacensis (Author) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) | Paulinus, Aquileiensis (Author) | Paulus, Diaconus (Author) | Philippus, Tripolitanus (Translator) | Priscianus, Caesariensis (Author) | Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius (Author) | Sedulius, Caelius (Author) | Venantius, Fortunatus (Author) Found in: Standard description
These fragments of Ovid's Fasti were discovered around 1700 in the monastery school of Ilfeld and have since been known as "Fragmentum Ilfeldense". In 1956 they became part of the collection of Martin Bodmer, after they had been used as endpapers or in a book binding. The Fasti is a poem in elegiac couplets, the theme of which is the Roman calendar – only the first six months – as well as the changes introduced at the beginning of the Empire with the feast days in memory of Augustus.
Online Since: 10/08/2020
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) Found in: Standard description
The double page at the beginning of this manuscript of the Metamorphoses and the Fasti of Ovid shows its connections to antiquity: the use of initials in the fashion of antiquity, the purple tint that colors the entire double page and the laurels that crown the poet's verses and anchor the production of this volume in the Italian Renaissance. The dedication in golden letters on the back of the first page confirm this origin: the manuscript was copied by the Neapolitan Ippolito Lunense for the secretary of Ferdinand I. of Aragon, Antonello Petrucci, whose coat of arms, surrounded by putti and horns of plenty, may be found on the back of the second page. The style, color and ink are changed according to the text. The decoration with bianchi girari of a very high quality is typical of Neapolitan production methods that were practiced by the royal illuminator Cola Rapicano.
Online Since: 12/21/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Alcuinus, Flaccus (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Hawtrey, Edward Craven (Former possessor) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) | Murray, Charles Fairfax (Former possessor) | Oricus, de Capriana (Author) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) | Perrins, Charles William Dyson (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript from Italy contains Ovid's Metamorphoses. The text is annotated with marginal and interlinear glosses by various contemporaneous and Italian hands from the 15th century. Four types of notes can be discerned: structuring, lexical and philological, intertextual and commenting, which testify to the vitality of Ovid's text in the 14th century and up to the beginning of the modern era. The frontispiece is decorated with a letter surrounding a portrait of the author during the composition of his work, as well as a side border bearing an angel with red wings.
Online Since: 04/23/2013
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) Found in: Standard description
At an unknown date, this late 12th century parchment bifolium was used as binding, as attested by traces of folding in the lower margin. It contains an excerpt of the Tristia, a collection of letters in elegiac couplets written by Ovid during his exile. The text is continuous, which indicates that the bifolium came from the middle of a quire; only a few verses are missing due to a cut in the upper part of the leaf. It was purchased by Martin Bodmer in 1958 from the bookseller Kraus in New York.
Online Since: 06/13/2019
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) Found in: Standard description
This copy of the Lives of the Saints, produced during the 12th century, possibly in the German Cloister of Weissenau, is decorated with ornately detailed and illustrated initial capitals, including one notable initial in which the illuminator, "Fr. Ruffilus" includes himself (fol. 244r).
Online Since: 05/20/2009
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Adrevaldus, Floriacensis (Author) | Ambrosius, Mediolanensis (Author) | Amphilochius, Cappadox (Author) | Amphilochius, Sidetes (Author) | Antonius, Hagiographus (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Cogitosus (Author) | Eberwinus, Treverensis (Author) | Ephraem, Syrus (Author) | Goswinus, Moguntinensis (Author) | Iacobus, Diaconus (Author) | Iocundus, Presbyter (Author) | Lupus, Ferrariensis (Author) | Odo, Fossatensis (Author) | Otloh, de Sancto Emmeramo (Author) | Paulinus, Mediolanensis (Author) | Paulus, Diaconus (Author) | Pseudo-Goldscherus Trevirensis (Author) | Theodoricus, Floriacensis (Author) | Uranius, Presbyter (Author) | Venantius, Fortunatus (Author) | Wibertus, Tullensis (Author) | Zacharias, Papa (Author) Found in: Standard description
This large, incomplete manuscript in folio format contains the summer portion and the Commune sanctorum of the homiliary by Paulus Diaconus. It was written by various hands in a 9th century Carolingian minuscule; in addition to initials drawn in ink and decorated with red scrolls which indicate an Irish influence, there are even several elegant incipits in capital script. The manuscript probably comes from Reichenau, certainly from the area of Lake Constance. It belonged to the Phillipps collection, later to Chester Beatty; it was bought in 1968 by Martin Bodmer.
Online Since: 06/23/2014
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Beatty, Alfred Chester (Former possessor) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Paulus, Diaconus (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Beatty, Alfred Chester (Former possessor) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Paulus, Diaconus (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
This manuscript contains the Satires by the Roman poet Persius – Aulus Persius Flaccus (34-62). Except for the prologue, the satires are written in hexameter; there are a modest number of verses (about 650). The satires were very popular in the Middle Ages and beyond, as even Jean-Jacques Rousseau borrowed some words from them - intus et in cute (Satire III, v. 30 - fol. 5v) - to place at the beginning of his Confessions. The addition of a paragraph in French from the Gospel of Luke on the last page of the manuscript suggests that this copy of the Satires, which goes back to the 12th century, might have been copied in France.
Online Since: 06/14/2018
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Persius Flaccus, Aulus (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Seller) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript contains a collection of letters exchanged in the court circle of Friedrich II., assembled in about 1270 at the papal Curia as a collection, which is generally attributed to Petrus de Vinea (Chancellor of Friedrich II.; ca. 1200-1249). This collection has been reproduced in over 230 manuscripts and was long regarded as a model for writers because of the elegant language used in the letters. The role of the collection as a model is enhanced in CB 132 by the inclusion of a copy of the "Ars dictaminis" by Bovilius Aretinus.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Bonfilius, Aretinus (Author) | Charles, d'Anjou, I (Author) | Clemens IV, Papa (Author) | Innocentius III, Papa (Author) | Kraus, Hans P. (Seller) | Mazzei, Lapo (Former possessor) | Petrus, de Vinea (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, which was probably created in the St. Matthias-Eucharius Abbey in Trier, clearly belonged to the Benedictine abbey, as the ex libris on f. 1r declares. It contains, among others, the Liber antiquitatum biblicarum, which recounts Biblical history from Adam to King Saul, i.e., from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Samuel. This work was falsely attributed to Philo of Alexandria (1st century AD), the Hellenistic philosopher of Jewish culture. It also contains excerpts from the Carmina by the poet and Bishop of Tours Hildebert of Lavardin (1056-1133).
Online Since: 12/18/2014
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Ess, Leander van (Former possessor) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Hildebertus, Lavardinensis (Author) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) | Phillipps, Thomas (Former possessor) | Philo, Alexandrinus (Author) | Robinson, William H. Ltd. (London) (Seller) Found in: Standard description
"De Balneis Puteolanis", a didactic poem by the Salerno physician Petrus de Ebulo, describes the health benefits of about thirty healing springs found in the region around Pozzuoli and Baia, Italy. This work was widely disseminated in Latin as well as in Italian and French translations. It describes baths that were destroyed by an earthquake in 1538. The manuscript is decorated with full-page illustrations and was probably produced in the artistic circle of Robert d'Anjou.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | De Marinis, Tammaro (Former possessor) | Dunn, George (Former possessor) | Evans, Robert Harding (Seller) | Olschki, Leo S. (Former possessor) | Petrus, de Ebulo (Author) Found in: Standard description