Friedrich Wilhelm, Brandenburg, Kurfürst (1620-1688)
A total of eight manuscripts, written and illuminated in St. Gall in the period between 1022 and 1036 for Sigebert, Bishop of Minden (1022-1036), have survived until today. They are a complete group of liturgical manuscripts consisting of a sacramentary, an epistolary, an evangeliary, a gradual, a tropary-sequentiary, a gradual-hymnal, a hymnal and the Ordo missae. The present copy is very similar to the one from Einsiedeln, Cod. 40(481) (before 950). Unfortunately the precious binding with gold, gems and an ivory tablet, which had been described in the 15th century, has been lost. In 1683 the manuscript became part of the library of Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, and later of the Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek). Along with other manuscripts (among others the tropary-sequentiary), it was evacuated to safety during World War II and today is held as a deposit in Krakow.
Online Since: 12/17/2015
- Friedrich Wilhelm, Brandenburg, Kurfürst (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Friedrich Wilhelm, Brandenburg, Kurfürst (Former possessor) | Sigebert von Minden (Patron) Found in: Standard description
A total of eight manuscripts, written and illuminated in St. Gall in the period between 1022 and 1036 for Sigebert, Bishop of Minden (1022-1036), have survived until today. They are a complete group of liturgical manuscripts consisting of a sacramentary, an epistolary, an evangeliary, a gradual, a tropary-sequentiary, a gradual-hymnal, a hymnal and the Ordo missae. This tropary-sequentiary contains a drawing of the author Notker Balbulus (about 840-912) in the sequentiary part on f. 144r. He is depicted as the writer of his sequence Sancti Spiritus Assit nobis gratia and is represented with a saint's halo. In 1683 the manuscript became part of the library of Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, and later of the Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek). Along with other manuscripts (among others the Epistolary), it was evacuated to safety during World War II and today is held as a deposit in Krakow.
Online Since: 12/17/2015
- Friedrich Wilhelm, Brandenburg, Kurfürst (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Friedrich Wilhelm, Brandenburg, Kurfürst (Former possessor) | Hermannus, Augiensis (Author) | Notker, Balbulus (Author) Found in: Standard description