Yehudah, ha-Leṿi (ca. 1079-1140)
GND: 118824767
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Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, R IV 2
Parchment and paper · 48 ff. · 21.5-22.2 x 15.5 cm · Ashkenaz · 15th century
Astrological, philosophical and medical miscellany
This miscellany, compiled in 15th century Ashkenaz, is a handbook chiefly composed of a plethora of texts on astronomy, astrology, prognoses, popular medicine and medical-astrology, related to illnesses and bloodletting, to which are appended other texts on a variety of subjects: calendrical tables and treatises, ethical and liturgical poems, 13th century halakhic and scholastic philosophical material translated into Hebrew. Furthermore, a small but significant discovery in the manuscript helps to pinpoint the city of Cologne or its surroundings, as a possible location for the production this miscellany.
Online Since: 06/18/2020
- Yehudah, ha-Leṿi (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Albertus, Magnus (Author) | Crispin Isaac (Author) | Donolo, Shabtai ben Avraham (Author) | Hai Ben Sherira, Gaʾon (Author) | Meʾir ben Barukh, Rothenburg (Author) | Thomas, de Aquino (Author) | Yehûdā Ben-Dāniyyêl, Rômanô (Translator) | Yehudah, ha-Leṿi (Author) Found in: Standard description