Barbier, Jean Paul (1930-2016)
GND: 118833170
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Genève, Fondation Barbier-Mueller pour l'étude de la poésie italienne de la Renaissance, SIME 2
Paper · I + 124 + I ff. · 22.5 × 15.5 cm · Florence · 1539 and 1565-1570
Gabriele Simeoni and Giovan Battista Strozzi, collection of poems
Composite manuscript with the following content: 1. collection of autographs by the Florentine poet Gabriele Simeoni (Florence, 1509 - Lyon, 1577?), dedicated to Cosimo de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, with poems in Italian and Latin and illustrated by the author; 2. collection of poems, partly autographs, by Giovan Battista Strozzi (1489-1538), containing his madrigals as well as some compositions by Leonardo Giustiniani (1388-1446) and by Anton Francesco Grazzini (1505-1584).
Online Since: 12/12/2019
- Barbier, Jean Paul (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Barbier, Jean Paul (Former possessor) | Deti Giovan Battista (Author) | Giustiniani, Leonardo (Author) | Goro della Pieve (Author) | Grazzini, Anton Francesco (Author) | Simeoni, Gabriele (Author) | Simeoni, Gabriele (Scribe) | Strozzi, Giovan Battista (Author) | Strozzi, Giovan Battista (Scribe) | Strozzi, Giovan Battista (Annotator) Found in: Standard description