Hornby, Charles H. (1867-1946)
GND: 11925610X
document found
Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, CL 269 (Comites Latentes, on deposit from the Historisches Museum Basel)
Parchment · V + 72 + V ff. · 18 x 12 cm · Italy, Naples · 1467 and 1468
Diogenes of Sinope, Brutus and Hippocrates, Letters (translated by Francesco d'Arezzo and Ranuccio d'Arezzo)
This volume is a collection of letters, made in 1467 and 1468 in Naples for Roberto da Sanseverino, Prince of Salerno, contains letters by Diogenes of Sinope, Brutus and Hippocrates, who were regarded during the middle ages as the true authors of these letters. They were translated into Latin by Francesco Griffolini Aretino and Ranuccio of Arezzo. This book was presented for sale several times during the 20th century and passed through the hands of prestigious collectors.
Online Since: 04/15/2010
- Hornby, Charles H. (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Abbey, John R. (Former possessor) | Brutus, Marcus Iunius, Caesaris Interfector (Author) | Cinico, Giovan Marco (Scribe) | Diogenes, Sinopensis (Author) | Griffolini, Francesco (Translator) | Hippocrates (Author) | Hornby, Charles H. (Former possessor) | Rinutius, Aretinus (Translator) Found in: Standard description