Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (1503-1564)
This work, written in German, contains the life of Thomas Aquinas written by William of Tocco (1240-1323). On f. 106v, there is also a note on the writer and on the possible patroness of the work: Dis buoch hat ze tùtsche bracht gemachet vnd geschriben pfaff Eberhard von Rapreswil kilcherr zu Jonen (addition anno 1418 by a 16th or 17th century hand). Dem sol Got vnsri frow sant Thoman der heilig lerer vnd die erwirdig frow die Stoeklerin ze Toess wol lonen. According to this entry, the 15th century hand goes back to Eberhard von Rapperswil, who was pastor in Jona in the canton of St. Gallen. The woman who commissioned the work is considered to be the nun Stöklerin from Töss (probably Elsbeth Stükler). This makes the work one of the few German translations of the life of Thomas Aquinas. Individual initials are not only highlighted in red, but are also decorated. The manuscript has a raspberry-red leather binding with clasps, which was restored in the 20th century. The detached pastedowns in the front and back are from a 13th century manuscript with neumes (probably a Kyriale). The manuscript contains two ownership notes: Dijs buoch ist erhart blarer von Wartensee zuo Kemten, guothsher zuo kemtem vnd zuo Werdeg (f. 106v) and Monasterij apud D.[ivam] Yddam in Visch.[ingen] (f. 1r). Accordingly, the manuscript belonged to Prince Abbot Johann Erhard Blarer von Wartensee in Kempten, who is documented to have been active from 1587 to 1594; subsequently the manuscript became the property of Fischingen Abbey.
Online Since: 12/10/2020
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Eberhart, von Rapperswil (Scribe) | Guilelmus, de Tocco (Author)
This manuscript contains as its first part Isidore of Seville's commentary on the Old Testament Books Exodus (pp. 1−44), Deuteronomy (pp. 44−53), Joshua (pp. 53−62) and Judges (pp. 62−71). These commentaries are a part of his work Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu quaestiones in vetus testamentum. The second part (pp. 73−135), written in a different, more accurate hand, contains a copy of the Book of Leviticus with a more extensive interlinear commentary that was planned from the outset. Between the two parts (p. 72) is the library stamp from the abbacy of Prince-Abbot Diethelm Blarer, in use between 1553 and 1564.
Online Since: 06/23/2016
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) Found in: Additional description
This small manuscript contains the Apocalypse commentary of Anselm of Laon, who died in 1117 (Stegmüller, Repertorium Biblicum, no. 1371). Except for a four-line red lombard at the begnning of the text, there is no decoration present. On p. 50 can be found the library stamp from the abbacy of Diethelm Blarer (1553–1564).
Online Since: 12/14/2022
- Anselmus, Laudunensis (Author) | Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
Pontifical-missal of the St. Gall Abbot Diethelm Blarer (1530-1564) – the finest 16th century manuscript in Switzerland.
Online Since: 12/31/2005
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Keller, Heinrich (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Keller, Heinrich (Scribe) Found in: Additional description
This manuscript was written in a flowing fourteenth-century textualis and decorated with rubrics and red lombards. The same hand has numbered the quires in red ink, in the bottom-right corner at the beginning of each quire: II (p. 23) to XXXIX (p. 731). The pagination contains a significant error: 1–501, 511–742; pp. 614–615 are empty. The manuscript transmits the winter part of a breviary, namely (pp. 1-559) the Proprium de tempore from the first Sunday of Advent to Pentecost and Trinity, as well as (pp. 559–742) the Proprium de sanctis from the feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle (30 November) to the feast of Saint Pancras (12 May), including the feast of Saint Wiborada (pp. 716-725). The manuscript shows no traces of its users nor of any additions. On the final page (p. 742) appears the library stamp of Abbot Diethelm Blarer from 1553–1564. The binding, featuring wooden boards with a red leather cover, dates to the fourteenth or fifteenth century.
Online Since: 04/25/2023
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This extensive parchment manuscript was written in the fourteenth century in textualis. Red and blue lombards, rubrics, and red abbreviations adorn the two-column text; occassional red and blue pen-flourished initials emphasize particularly important parts of the breviary and its feasts. The breviary begins (p. 1a) with Easter-eve vespers (that is, on Good Saturday) and ends (pp. 807a–817b) with the feast of Saint Conrad (26 November). There then follows (pp. 817b–819b), as additions, a lection In nocte sancte Anne and four lections In divisione apostolorum, written in the same hand as before (cf. p. 433b, p. 457b). Finally the added rubric Passio sancti Placidi martyris, sociorum eius 35 martyrum prima [?] lectio [?] is written in another, later-fifteenth-century hand. Among the saints feasts occur those of Gallus (p. 662a) and its octave (p. 708a) as well as of Otmar (p. 759b) and its octave (p. 789b). On p. 666 appears the library stamp of Abbot Diethelm Blarer from the period 1553–1564. The wooden-board binding dates to the fifteenth or sixteenth century. Its leather binding is adorned with scroll stamps. The original clasps and fittings are missing. On the inside of the front and back boards can be seen offsets from detached flyleaves, as well as from fragments with writing that were pasted in. Two paper leaves (pp. A-D) and one paper leaf (pp. Y-Z) have been inserted and bound in before and after the parchment book block, respectively. The pagination is faulty: A–D, 1–155, 155a, 156–433, 435–621, 623–819, Y–Z.
Online Since: 04/25/2023
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This paper manuscript contains short readings (capitula), collects (collectae), prayers, hymns, antiphons, and responsories for the office throughout the year, including the common of Saints. Probably in the fourteenth century, this “extended collectar” was written in a flowing textualis and then rubricated. In many places, the manuscript shows heavy traces of use in the form of worn, browned margins. On p. 25 can be found the library stamp of Abbot Diethelm Blarer from 1553–1564. The wooden-board binding dates to the fourteenth or fifteenth century. On the inner boards can be seen offsets of Hebrew fragments.
Online Since: 04/25/2023
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This Psalter contains the psalms in liturgical sequence with antiphons, followed by biblical canticles and a hymnal. The codex was written in 1545 (colophon f. 102v) by the organist and calligrapher Fridolin Sicher (1490-1546) by order of Prince Abbot Diethelm Blarer (1530-1564). Large parts were rewritten by numerous later hands, probably after the reform of the liturgy following the Council of Trent. The Psalter contains several figurative initials by an unknown illuminator.
Online Since: 06/23/2014
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Patron) | Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Sicher, Fridolin (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Patron) | Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Sicher, Fridolin (Scribe) Found in: Additional description
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Patron) | Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Sicher, Fridolin (Scribe) Found in: Additional description
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Patron) | Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Sicher, Fridolin (Scribe) Found in: Additional description
This manuscript, decorated with fleuronné initials and occasional pen drawings, was written in Italy in the second half of the 13th century or at the latest at the beginning of the 14th century. It preserves the Codex Justinianus (Books 1–9), the Great Gloss of Accursius associated with it, as well as many more glosses in the margins. The manuscript came to the Abbey Library at the latest in the 16th century via the two St. Gall citizens Conrad Särri and Johannes Widembach († around 1456).
Online Since: 12/18/2014
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Accursius, Franciscus Senior (Author) | Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Metzler, Jodokus (Librarian) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Tancredus, Bononiensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Accursius, Franciscus Senior (Author) | Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Metzler, Jodokus (Librarian) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Tancredus, Bononiensis (Author) Found in: Additional description
The Summa de virtutibus et vitiis by Guilelmus Peraldus is the primary content of this volume (pp. 9a-290b). This principal text is in two-columns in very small textualis script (50 lines per side), with red, blue and red and blue pen-flourished initials as well as tendril extenders. A small collection of sermons was added on the empty leaves in the fourteenth century (pp. 291a-296b). There is a table of contents on pp. 5a-7b with some page numbers added later. The volume is designed for easy reference: red side-titles and red column numbers are original. At the beginning and end are alphabetical indices (pp. 3a-4b and 297a-298b) written by a hand likely from the fifteenth century. On p. 298 the St. Gallen library stamp 1553-1564 of Abbot Diethelm Blarer can be seen. Marginal titles and marginalia have been added by various hands. On the front pastedown (p. 2!) is the title Summa virtutum. The pasteboard binding is covered by brown leather. The endband is finished in red and green.
Online Since: 09/06/2023
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Guilelmus, Peraldus (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript transmits sermons for the liturgical year and was copied by a regular hand in a thirteenth-century gothic minuscule. It is incomplete at the beginning and the end. The sermons, numbered in the upper margin, run from VII (Dominica iiii. in quadragesima) to LXXXVIII (In vigilia epiphanie domini). At the beginning of each sermon there is a simple two-line-high red initial and a rubricated title indicating the day on which the sermon was to be read. On the basis of the stamp of the Abbot Diethelm Blarer (p. 410), the manuscript was present in the library of St. Gall since at least the middle of the sixteenth century. The cardboard binding, covered in blank parchment and adorned with green-silk ribbons as clasps, dates from the eighteenth/nineteenth century.
Online Since: 09/22/2022
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This parchment manuscript contains Latin sermons by Berthold of Regensburg († 1272) in a copy from the second half of the thirteenth century or the first half of the fourteenth century. It begins with the feast of St. Stephen Protomartyr (26 December; p. 1a) and stretches to the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist (29 August; p. 181b). There then follow additional sermons and other texts, including two that bear the titles De passione (p. 197a) and De resurrectione (p. 199b) respectively. On p. 209 the text breaks off at the end of the right column. Then follows on pp. 210a–215a in a larger script what are apparently sermons on the Conversio sancti Pauli (p. 210a) and on the Purificatio beatae Mariae (p. 213a), although both of these feasts already appear in the original part (p. 23b and 31b). In the fourteenth century, another hand wrote a German text in the right column of p. 215 (Wilt du wizzen wie …). According to the note on p. 216, in 1433, the chaplain Jodocus Maiger gave this book to Nicholaus Jeuchin or Jenchin, parish priest of St. Mangen (a church outside of the city of St. Gallen). Worthy of note are the decorative, four-color stitching with a zig-zag pattern on p. 111/112, the pen drawing on p. 150a, as well as the library stamp of Abbot Diethlem Blarer, from the period 1553–1563 on p. 216. The wooden binding probably comes from the fifteenth century.
Online Since: 04/25/2023
- Bertholdus, Ratisbonensis (Author) | Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
The largest part of this manuscript contains sermons copied in two columns by multiple scribes (pp. 1-144). The various homilies are sometimes introduced by rubrics and small, alternating red-and-blue initials. The last part (pp. 145-157) is smaller in size (19 x 17 cm) and is copied for the most part in a single column; it contains leonine verses and versified sayings. Possessed by the St. Gall Abbey Library since at least the mid-sixteenth century (see the stamp of Abbot Diethlem Blarer, p. 120), the manuscript was rebound in the seventeenth/eighteenth century in a binding of blank parchment glued on cardboard, which closes with green silk laces.
Online Since: 09/22/2022
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
The parchment bookblock (pp. 5–162) contains in its core on pp. 8–162 a collection of Latin sermons on the feasts of the ecclesiastical year (temporale and sanctorale) in a small gothic minuscule of the thirteenth century. At the top of p. 7 is a table with Greek letters as item numbers and below an incipit in red majuscules, that is partially covered by the library stamp of Abbot Diethelm Blarer from the period 1553–1564. The single leaf p. 5/6 contains a table of contents of the sermons from the beginning of the codex to the Assumption of the Virgin, which probably was added in the second half of the fourteenth century. The collection begins with the sermons for Advent (p. 8) and runs through the Exaltation of the Cross (p. 109) and to the Assumption of the Virgin (p. 112). Additional sermons follow, including an Ad populum (p. 157, 162), before the text breaks off at the end of p. 162. The sermons are mostly introduced by a two-to-three-line decorative initial in the colors red, blue, and green. The binding, as well as the paper flyleaves (pp. 1–4, 163–190), probably come from the end of the seventeenth or the eighteenth century.
Online Since: 04/25/2023
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, written in multiple hands, contains an anonymous commentary on the Catholic epistles (Stegmüller, Repertorium Biblicum, No. 3235, 14–20). Stegmüllers ascription of the text to a St. Gall monk named Hermann, who supposedly was a student of Peter Abelard, is not convincing (cf. David Luscombe, Sententie magistri Petri Abaelardi, Turnhout 2006, pp. 49*–55*). The commentary is preceded by two prologues (pp. 1–2), the first of which is based on Peter Abelard's prologue to the Letter to the Romans (Stegmüller, RB 6378), while the second comes from Ps.-Jerome (Stegmüller, RB 809). Each of the commentaries on the individual epistles is preceded by a chapter outline and an argumentum from the Glossa ordinaria (edited in PL 114, col. 671 ff. as the work of Walafrid Strabo). The text of the epistles is incorporated into the commentaries and signaled with citation marks in the margin. On the last page (p. 112) appears Gottschalk of Aachen's sequence for the feast Conversio sancti Pauli, inc. Dixit dominus ex Basan convertam. Ornamentation is limited to two- and three-line red capital initials. The manuscript is bound in a limp binding made from blank leather with a parchment lining and closed with a triangular flap. On the inside of the cover and on p. 112 can be found the library stamp from the abbacy of Diethelm Blarer (1553–1564); on p. 1 a shelfmark from the Burgerbibliothek Bern (Manuscr A 48). According to notes on the inside cover and on p. 1, the codex, which came to Bern in 1712 (as booty in the Toggenburger war) was returned to the Abbey Library of St. Gall in 1863.
Online Since: 04/25/2023
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Godescalcus, Aquensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Blarer von Wartensee, Diethelm (Former possessor) | Godescalcus, Aquensis (Author) Found in: Additional description