Mülinen, Albrecht von (1732-1807)
This manuscript assembles about 700 documents from the years 814-1242, which concern the administration of the Chapter and the Cathedral of Lausanne. The compilation of the cartulary began around 1202 and was completed in 1242; 5 files, dated 1250-1294, were added later. The material structure of the manuscript is very complex because of numerous additions to the original core, which corresponds to the Livre censier du Chapitre cathédral de Lausanne of about 1202. The manuscript contains various texts: the Annals of Lausanne, a topographic cartulary, a chronological register, two chronicles, an urbarium, the Chronicle of the Bishops of Lausanne and the Cathedral's necrology. The author of this valuable collection is Conon d'Estavayer (before 1200-1243/1244), who became Dean of the Cathedral in 1202. From 1216 until 1242, he directly supervised the editing of the manuscript and the organization of the documents.
Online Since: 12/13/2013
- Mülinen, Albrecht von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Mülinen, Albrecht von (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Mülinen, Albrecht von (Former possessor) | Silvester II, Papa (Author) Found in: Standard description