Les descriptions suivantes sont disponibles pour ce manuscrit

  • Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 61.
    Voir la description standard
  • Bruckner Albert, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica 3, Schreibschulen der Diözese Konstanz, St. Gallen II, Genf 1938, S. 77.
    Voir la description additionnelle
  • Janner Sara / Jurot Romain, Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des Heiligen Augustinus, Band IX/2 Schweiz, Wien 2001, S. 133.
    Voir la description additionnelle
  • UCLA Reichenau-St. Gall Virtual Library
    (Description additionnelle, affichée actuellement)
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 169
Titre du manuscrit: Augustinus Hipponensis, Sermones XXII-LIV in euangelium Johannis
Origine: St. Gallen
Période: s. IX, or AD 841-872 (Abbacy of Grimalt) (Bruckner)
Support: Parchment
Volume: 190 leaves (numbered pp. 1-380)
Format: 301 x 209-210 mm
Composition des cahiers: Pp. 1-18 = I10 (wants 1), pp. 19-34 = II8 pp. 35-54 = III10, pp. 55-70 = IV8, pp. 71-78 = V4, pp. 79-110 = VI-[VII]8, pp. 111-120 = VIII6 (wants 5), pp. 121-152 = IX-X8, pp. 153-164 = XI6, pp. 165-180 = XII8, pp. 181-204 = XIII-XIV6, pp. 205-236 = XV-XVI8, pp. 237-242 = [XVII]4 (wants 2), pp. 243-274 = XVIII-XIX8, pp. 275-286 = XX6, pp. 287-318 = XXI-[XXII]8, pp. 319-332 = [XXIII]8 (wants 3), pp. 333-380 = XXIV-[XXVI]8. [Provisional foliation by JAW, based on Bruckner's description and examination of the page-images; quire numbers are visible in lower margin of the last leaves, except as indicated above by square brackets; the last quire is labeled as a duplicate XXV.]
Mise en page: A single column of 29 lines (written space: 222-223 x 158-161 mm). (Bruckner)
Type d'écritures et copistes: Multiple hands writing Caroline minuscule; written, according to Bruckner, during the abbacy of Grimalt (AD 841-872), and reflecting Insular influence. Rubrics in rustics and uncials.
  • 1. pp. 2-380 Augustinus Hipponensis: Sermones XXII-LIV in euangelium Johannis >Incipit sermo uigisimus secundus aurelii augustini ipponensis episcopi in euangelistam iohannem id est simul sermones XXX IIII. Incipiunt capitulae.< Ab eo quod scriptum est amen amen dico uobis quia qui uerbum meum auditIncipit omelia XXIINud\i/us tertiani et esterni (p.c.) diei sermones redditos uobissed crescendo capimus ambulando crescimus proficiendo ambulamus ut peruenire possimus. >Explicit omelia LIIII.<
    • Augustinus Hipponensis. "In Iohannis euangelium tractatus CXXIV", CCSL Brepols (R. Willems): p. Turnhout.
    • St. Augustine. Tractates on the Gospel of John 11-27 (v. 79), and 28-54 (v. 88), trans. J. Rettig (Fathers of the Church 79 and 88). Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1989-1993, pp. 79.197-288 and 88.3-308
    • Augustinus Hipponensis. In Joannis Evangelium Tractatus CXXIV. PL 36: 1379-1976. Google Books
    For further bibliography, see: IMB and LexMA
Origine du manuscrit: St. Gallen; probably the second volume of the three-volume set recorded in the 9th-c. booklist in CSG 728 (p. 8, line 2); there is a St. Gall exlibris inscription of s. XV or XVI on the front flyleaf.
Codicological Bibliography
  • Bruckner, Albert. Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica (Vol. 3). Geneva: Roto-Sadag, 1938, p. 77.
  • Janner, Sara, and Romain Jurot. Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des Heiligen Augustinus (Vol. 9/2). Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW, 2001, p. 133.
  • Scherrer, Gustav. Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibiliothek von St. Gallen. Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1875, p. 61. Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen
  • For further bibliography, see: IMB