Per questo manoscritto sono disponibili le seguenti descrizioni

  • Euw Anton von, Die St. Galler Buchkunst vom 8. bis zum Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts, Band I: Textband, St. Gallen 2008 (Monasterium Sancti Galli, Bd. 3), S. 371-372, Nr. 74.
    Mostra la descrizione standard
  • Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 75-76.
    Mostra la descrizione aggiuntiva
  • UCLA Reichenau-St. Gall Virtual Library
    (Descrizione aggiuntiva, attualmente visualizzato)
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 209
Titolo del codice: Gregorius [papa I.], Moralium pars sexta
Luogo di origine: St. Gallen
Datazione: AD 872-883 (Abbacy of Hartmut)
Supporto materiale: Parchment
Dimensioni: 237 leaves (numbered pp. 1-326, 324bis-332bis, 327-360, 362-472)
Formato: 35.0 x 27.0 cm
Composizione dei fascicoli: Pp. 1-80 = [I-V]8, [pp. 81-228 = the quire divisions of this secion of the manuscript could not be discerned from the photographs], pp. 229-42 = [XVI]8 (wants 6), pp. 243-58 = [XVII]8; the quire numbering begins anew from p. 259: pp. 259-322 = I-IV8, pp. 323-26 + 324bis-26bis + 327-35 = V8, pp. 336-51 = VI8, pp. 352-60 + 362-68 = VII8, pp. 369-418 = VIII-X8, pp. 419-26 = XI4, pp. 427-58 = XII-XIII8, pp. 459-72 = [XIV]8 (wants 8).
Disposizione della pagina: Two columns of 28 lines (250 x 205 mm).
Tipo di scrittura e mani: Multiple hands writing Caroline minuscule, with titles in rustic capitals.
  • 1. p. 2-472 Gregorius [papa I.]: Moralia in Iob XXVIII-XXXV In nomine domini in hoc codice continent octo libri moralium explanationum beati gregorii papae in iob prophetam id est parts sexta quae et ultima. Incipit liber uigisimus octauus spiritalium expositionum beati grecorii [sic] in iob. Post damna rerum post funera pignorum post uulnera coporis post uerba male suadentis uxoris …–… Orationis autem atque expositionis virtute collata lector meus in recompensatione me superat si cum per me uerba accipit pro me lacrimas reddit. >Explicit iuuante domino liber XXXmus quintus moralium explanationum beati gregorii papae in iob.<
    • Gregorius Magnus. Moralia in Iob, ed. M. Adriaen (CCSL 143B). Turnhout: Brepols, 1979, p. 1394-1811.
    • Sanctus Gregorius Magnus. Moralium libri, sive Expositio in librum B. Job. PL 76: 445C-782A. Google Books
    • Gregory the Great. Morals on the Book of Job (A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church 23 and 31). Oxford: John Henry Parker, 1847, p. 260-360 (v. 3.1) and 361-701 (v. 3.2). The third volume of the Oxford translation of Gregory's Moralia was published in two parts with continuous pagination (as vols. 23 and 31 in the Library of the Fathers series). Both parts are available on Google Books: 3.1 (XXIII-XXIX) and 3.2 (XXX-XXXV).
    For further bibliography, see: IMB and LexMA
Origine del manoscritto: St. Gallen; probably volume two of the six-volume set referenced by an addition to the 9th-c. booklist in CSG 728 (p. 6, line 13).
Codicological Bibliography
  • Bruckner, Albert. Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica (Vol. 3). Geneva: Roto-Sadag, 1938, p. 83.
  • Euw, Anton von. Die St. Galler Buchkunst vom 8. bis zum Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts (Vol. 2). St. Gallen: Verlag am Klosterhof, 2009, p. 371-72.
  • Scherrer, Gustav. Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibiliothek von St. Gallen. Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1875, p. 75-76. Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen