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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1118
Paper · 464 pp. · 20 x 15.5 cm · Paris, Collège des Cholets · 1565/1566
University Lecture Notes from the Collège des Cholets in Paris
Transcriptions, prepared by Mauritius Enk (1538-1575) of the Abbey of St. Gall, of lectures by Hubertus Morus (Hubert Meurier, 1535–1602) on the first and second book of the Libri magistri sententiarum (Peter Lombard's Sentences). The lectures on the first book (pp. 7–178) took place from October 15 (?) 1565 until January 31, 1566, those on the second book (pp. 279–401) from February 4 until April 10, 1566. In between (on pp. 181–189) is a short text De Unione Hypostatica Verbi, pp. 181–183 not written by Enk (his hand begins again with the last three words on p. 183). This transcription of lectures has a Parisian calfskin binding bearing an owner's mark embossed in gold.
Online Since: 06/23/2016