This obsequiale, written by Prior Jacob Lauber in his own hand, governs the Office of the Dead at the Carthusian Monastery in Basel. The inserted prayers (among them the Lord's Prayer in Latin and in German) as well as the chants with musical notation are situated in a liturgical context.
Online Since: 03/22/2018
This obsequiale (processional) of Otto IV von Sonnenberg, Bishop of Constance (1481-1491), was written during his lifetime in the Constance area; it contains instructions for the organisation of liturgical ceremonies (for example, administering the sacraments, ecclesiastic blessings, and exorcisms).
Online Since: 03/29/2019
This small-format book contains parts of the Liturgy of the Hours for a Convent of the Poor Clares. It contains primarily texts for personal prayer, with a focus on the cult of the dead. The volume was given to Barbara Seiler († 1624), sister at Hermetschwil Convent, by Melchior Roth, parish priest of Erlinsbach.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This booklet, with notes and decorated with three initials, contains the texts for the Office of the Dead, the seven penitential psalms, and prayers for a deceased Dominican nun, probably in the convent in Colmar. Judging by the script, it is from the first half of the 15th century. The book belonged to Sister Martha Gosslerin. In 1782 it was acquired by Philipp Jakob Steyrer, Abbot of St Peter's Abbey in the Black Forest; through him, the booklet came to Mariastein Abbey.
Online Since: 09/26/2017
Incompletely preserved benedictional, written on strong parchment in the Monastery of St. Gall in the first half of the 11th century. This volume contains prayers and benedictions for various liturgical ceremonies, for example for the blessing of the chalice, for the blessing of salt and water for driving out demons, for the consecration of monks and secular priests, for the blessing of plants on the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, etc. In three places (p. 23-26, p. 65-66, p. 90-94) the manuscript contains litanies in which the names of saints of St. Gall appear. Before the pagination around 1780, pages were cut out of the manuscript in five different places; the manuscript shows signs of use into the 15th century.
Online Since: 06/23/2014