Joachim, Vadianus (1484-1551)
In the years 1529-1531 the St. Gall humanist, reformer, and politician Joachim Vadian wrote a history of the abbey and city of St. Gall during the high and late middle ages (1199-1491). It goes by the title Grössere Chronik der Äbte (Great Chronicle of the Abbots). In this work, Vadian describes the way the abbey town changed into a self-reliant, independent city and became wealthy from the cloth weaving industry. The historical work is simultaneously a work of heated reformist protest, exposing and often bitingly commenting upon the increasing corruption of church dignitaries and institutions, particularly the Abbots and Abbey of St. Gall since the investiture conflict.
Online Since: 12/19/2011
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) | Joachim, Vadianus (Scribe) | Keßler, Johannes (Scribe) | Keßler, Johannes (Annotator) | Keßler, Johannes (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) | Joachim, Vadianus (Scribe) | Keßler, Johannes (Scribe) | Keßler, Johannes (Annotator) | Keßler, Johannes (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
The manuscript today known as the “Kleinere Chronik der Äbte von St. Gallen” (Lesser chronicle of the abbots of St. Gall) is an autograph; it describes the history of the Monastery of St. Gall from its beginnings under Abbot Othmar around the year 720 up to the year 1532, that is, to the period of the Reformation. The emphasis initially is on the history of the monastery; from the 13th century onward, what appears more and more is the history of the city of St. Gall, which was able to establish its independence and the Reformation.
Online Since: 12/14/2018
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) Found in: Additional description
This manuscript, an autograph, contains a historical-topographical description of “Turgöuw” or Eastern Switzerland (pp. 1-3) as well as of the “Oberbodensee” (pp. 201-227), that is, the villages and areas on the northern (from Bregenz to Überlingen) and southern (from Rheineck to Kreuzlingen) shore [of Lake Constance]; it further contains a historical overview of the development of monasticism and ecclesiastical institutions and of the process of their decay (pp. 3-138), a history of Saint Gall and of the monastery of St. Gall (pp. 138-193), and the history of the Roman emperors from Julius Caesar to Caligula (pp. 229-323).
Online Since: 12/14/2018
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) | Keßler, Johannes (Annotator) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, an autograph, contains various writings on the monastic way of life and about monasticism in the past and present. It contains, among others, translations of letters by Saint Jerome and of sermons by Bernard of Clairvaux. These are argumentation aids for disputes with proponents of monasteries and convents.
Online Since: 12/14/2018
- Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Joachim, Vadianus (Author) | Joachim, Vadianus (Translator) Found in: Standard description
The impulse for writing the original model of this text, Vadian's “Kleinere Chronik der Äbte” (1544-46) (VadSlg Ms. 44), came from Heinrich Bullinger and Johannes Stumpf; they wanted to make use of Vadian's knowledge of the history of St. Gall for the Eidgenössische Chronik (1547/48) that appeared under Stumpf's name. The chronicle consists of three parts: the first part is about Saint Gall; the second part is a history of the monastery and of the city of St. Gall; the third part gives a historical-topographical description of the city of St. Gall and of Lake Constance. Wolfgang Fechter produced two copies thereof in 1549. The illustrations are by Caspar Hagenbuch.
Online Since: 12/14/2018
- Hagenbuch, Caspar (Illuminator) | Joachim, Vadianus (Author) Found in: Standard description
Manuscript collection produced at the monastery of St. Gall, containing the oldest known surviving version of the Casus sancti Galli by the monk Ratpert, in a copy from about 900. Additional longer texts, written down between the 9th and 13th centuries contain sermons by the early Church fathers, a register of the abbots of St. Gall from the 7th through the 13th centuries, hymns, and excerpts from the Collectio Canonum by Pseudo-Remedius as well as the Micrologus by Bernold of Konstanz.
Online Since: 12/09/2008
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Amalarius, Metensis (Author) | Ambrosius, Autpertus (Author) | Arx, Ildefons von (Annotator) | Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Bernoldus, Constantiensis (Author) | Caesarius, Arelatensis (Author) | Ephraem, Syrus (Author) | Joachim, Vadianus (Author) | Johannes, Chrysostomus (Author) | Ratpertus, Sangallensis (Author) | Remedius, Curiensis (Author) | Remigius, Altissiodorensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
Impressive law manuscript from the Carolingian period, produced in the third quarter of the 9th century, presumably in Reims. It contains the Capitular document collection of Abbot Ansegis of Fontenelle († 833) as well as the forged Capitularies of a certain Benedict Levita. The manuscript was loaned to Etienne Baluze in Paris in 1673/74.
Online Since: 12/09/2008
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Ansegisus, Fontanellensis (Author) | Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Benedictus, Levita (Author) | Joachim, Vadianus (Author) | Joachim, Vadianus (Annotator) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Schobinger, Bartholome (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Ansegisus, Fontanellensis (Author) | Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Benedictus, Levita (Author) | Joachim, Vadianus (Author) | Joachim, Vadianus (Annotator) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Schobinger, Bartholome (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Ansegisus, Fontanellensis (Author) | Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Benedictus, Levita (Author) | Joachim, Vadianus (Author) | Joachim, Vadianus (Annotator) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Schobinger, Bartholome (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
Lectures of the St. Gallen reformer Joachim Vadian from 1523/24: a) on the Lives of the Apostles and, b) on his geographic work Epitome trium terrae habitatae partium, taken down in writing by Fridolin Sicher (1490-1546) of Bischofszell, who worked at the Cloister of St. Gall as calligrapher and church organist.
Online Since: 12/20/2007
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) | Sicher, Fridolin (Scribe) | Sicher, Fridolin (Annotator) Found in: Standard description
- Joachim, Vadianus (Author) | Sicher, Fridolin (Scribe) | Sicher, Fridolin (Annotator) Found in: Additional description