Burlaeus, Gualterus (1275-1345)
This manuscript with philosophical and theological content was written by assorted hands on paper; the 5 codicological parts contain 11 tracts by various 14th century authors, including 6 unique texts. The parts were produced between 1370 and 1410 and were re-ordered various times before the codex was bound in its current order, probably at the beginning of the 15th century in Fribourg. One of the scribes, who was also the owner and redactor of the volume, was Fredrich von Amberg (about 1350/60-1432), who lived from 1393-1432 in the Franciscan cloister in Fribourg and served two terms as guardian there. Friedrich was able to assemble these copies of the texts by either copying or purchasing them while studying in Strassburg, Paris, and Avignon.
Online Since: 03/31/2011
- Anonymus (Author) | Burlaeus, Gualterus (Author) | Facinus, de Ast (Author) | Fridericus, de Amberg (Scribe) | Fridericus, de Amberg (Annotator) | Fridericus, de Amberg (Former possessor) | Guilelmus, de Cremona (Author) | Johannes, de Basilea (Author) | Monachus, Niger (Author) | Rogerus, Anglicus (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Anonymus (Author) | Burlaeus, Gualterus (Author) | Facinus, de Ast (Author) | Fridericus, de Amberg (Scribe) | Fridericus, de Amberg (Annotator) | Fridericus, de Amberg (Former possessor) | Guilelmus, de Cremona (Author) | Johannes, de Basilea (Author) | Monachus, Niger (Author) | Rogerus, Anglicus (Author) Found in: Additional description
“Lives of philosophers” constitute a subcategory of the ancient literary genre of “lives of illustrious men” that was considered anew beginning in the 12th century. The Latin text of this manuscript, the Liber de vita et moribus philosophorum veterum, attributed to Gautier Burley (actually an anonymous Italian author from the early 14th century), consists of a collection of moral maxims from various philosophers, whose names are indexed at the end of the work (f. 93r-94r). This copy, dated 1452, may be from the Abbey of Saint-Denis and later was the property of Paul and Alexandre Petau, before becoming part of the holdings of the Bibliothèque de Genève as part of the bequest of Ami Lullin.
Online Since: 10/10/2019
- Burlaeus, Gualterus (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Burlaeus, Gualterus (Author) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus (Author) | Lentulus (Author) | Lullin, Ami (Former possessor) | Petau, Paul (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
This collection of works was produced during the third quart of the 15th century, under the influence of early humanism, in one of the southwestern German states. It contains German and Latin texts from the late middle ages as well as some interlinear and marginal glosses. The newer works by humanist authors include contributions by Petrarch, Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (later Pope Pius II), Hieronymus de Vallibus and Antonio Barzizza.
Online Since: 11/04/2010
- Adolfus, Viennensis (Author) | Alanus, ab Insulis (Author) | Albertanus, Brixiensis (Author) | Arnoldus, Leodiensis (Author) | Barzizza, Antonio (Author) | Burlaeus, Gualterus (Author) | Hieronymus, de Vallibus (Author) | Jacobus, de Cessolis (Author) | Mönch, von Salzburg (Author) | Petrarca, Francesco (Author) | Pius II, Papa (Author) | Steinhöwel, Heinrich (Author) | Vergilius Maro, Publius (Author) | Vincentius, Bellovacensis (Author) Found in: Standard description